30 Dec 2004
Professor Malin Brännback
Management of innovations and entrepreneurship
R&D collaboration: role of Ba in knowledge-creating networks
Brännback M. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, July 2003, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 28-38(11)
Knowledge intensive entrepreneurship: networking within and across boundaries
Malin Brännback, Turku School of Economics & Business Administration
Maija Renko, Turku School of Economics & Business Administration
Alan Carsrud, Florida International University
8 Dec 2004
the LNELS project
"Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon Strategy"

2 Dec 2004
Professor Ikujiro Nonaka
Conversation with Professor Ikujiro Nonaka
Tokyo, Japan
February 23, 1996
Claus Otto Scharmer
27 Nov 2004
David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free knowledge management newsletter - to help you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and interest in subjects such as Knowledge Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology.
to sign up for the Knowledge-Letter
"Conversations occur between equals" says David Gurteen, Knowledge Board, 30-Oct-2002
21 Nov 2004
Learning Foresight
Joseph Voros
A generic foresight
process framework
"Without a continuous renewal of theory,
methodology and praxis, the knowledge creation required to
build the discipline of futures and foresight will slow, stop and
12 Nov 2004
Value Based Management
9 Nov 2004
Despite poor progress, Lisbon agenda needed more now than ever, concludes Kok report
Yet the high level group clearly feels that despite the backdrop of a challenging global economic environment, Member States could and should have done more to achieve its goals. Governments are accused of not taking the delivery of commonly agreed measures seriously enough, perhaps because of a lack of political pressure from national parliaments and citizens who have not been sufficiently involved in the Lisbon process. Poor coordination, an overloaded agenda and conflicting priorities are also to blame, the report adds. The inevitable result is that many Lisbon targets will be 'seriously missed'.
Kok report calls for more determined political action to revitalise Lisbon strategy
Brussels, November 3, 2004
report press release
3 Nov 2004
RIS Latvija
Foresight workshop
Michael Keenan (PREST, University of Manchester, UK). Foresight Exercises – an Important Instrument for Development of Knowledge-Based Society in the New Member States
Karel Klusacek (Technology Centre AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic). Ezperiences in Foresight: Selection of Research Priorities in the Czech Republic
Rene Tonnisson (Tartu Science Park, Estonia). Foresight Activities in Estonia
Arturs Puga (Forward Studies, Latvia). Foresight in Latvia: First Experiences
Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Latvia
RIS Latvija pētījumi
Network of research communities
The NetAcademy
Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities
Berlin, October 21st, 2003
Prof. Dr. Beat F. Schmid
The NetAcademy is an internet platform, designed to
publish research in the field of the new media,"Under Construction: MyNetAcademy
network international research about new media,
explore ICT potential.
MyNetAcademy is a new kind of publishing
MyNetAcademy helps to publish research results chronologically
MyNetAcademy give the possibility to publish and discuss „work in progress“, whithout loosing the copyright of the idea.
MyNetAcademy give the possibility to publish and work on research topics in groups
MyNetAcademy makes reseach results more transparent
MyNetAcademy is a glass desk of a scientist
MyNetAcademy is device independant
MyNetAcademy in the spirit of a weblog/blog
A blog is a web page made up of usually short, frequently updated posts that are arranged chronologically—like a what's new page or a journal. The content and purposes of blogs varies greatly—from links and commentary about other web sites, to news about a company/person/idea, to diaries, photos, research results, mini-essays, project updates, even fiction. Blog posts are like instant messages to the web.
Blogs are also excellent team/department/company/ communication tools. They help small groups communicate in a way that is simpler and easier to follow than email or discussion forums. Use a private blog on an intranet to allow team members to post related links, files, quotes, or commentary. A blog can help keep everyone in the loop, promote cohesiveness and group culture, and provide an informal "voice" of a project or department to outsiders."
Prof. Dr. Beat F. Schmid
19 Oct 2004
Foresight Methodologies
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Technology ForeSight Initiative
Foresight Methodologies
Training Module 2
"UNIDO Regional Initiative on Technology Foresight for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Newly Independent States (NIS) aims at responding to the region need for a mid-and long-term development vision as well as for bringing a more technology-oriented focus into the relevant national and regional knowledge-based institutions.(...)
As a component dedicated to strengthening the capabilities in the region to conduct and apply foresight in the decision making process, UNIDO has established training programmes on technology foresight in selected institutions in the CEE/NIS. This action promotes training according to four modules, dedicated to: organizers (module 1), practitioners (module 2), decision makers (module 3) and corporate (module 4).
Training Module 2 should provide to participants an overview of the most used methodologies and practical experience on applying them in foresight exercise. The module dedicated to technology foresight practitioners."
Background analysis: trend extrapolation; analysis of framework; megatrend analysis
Strategic Framework for Scoping Technology Foresight
Brainstorming: a creative problem-solving
Using Expert and Stakeholder Panels in Technology Foresight – Principles and Practice
Scenario Planning
Critical Technologies
Technology Roadmapping
Training Course "Technology Foresight for Practitioners"
Prague, Czech Republic, 6–10 October 2003
18 Oct 2004
Foresight Concepts in the European Commission
Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis Nr. 2, 12. Jg., Juni 2003 "The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission".
16 Oct 2004
Lisbon strategy to day-to-day
We have discussed how to link the Lisbon strategy to day-to-day tasks and practice.
The Lisbon strategy and issues of the knowledge society have been bridged for our audience.
To promote knowledge sharing, futures thinking, lifelong learning, e-learning, the presentations of the conference will be available at the conference website.
9 Oct 2004
Foresight workshop, 14-15.10.2004, Riga
Workshop agenda
Foresight methods and activities in the Lisbon process
October 14-15, 2004
International conference in Riga
Learning - and debating - online presentations from European foresight projects
(the presentations posted at "Entrepreneurship Foresight
Network" in July - October, 2004)
Knowledge Management and Foresight
Analysing and applying foresight in companies/organizations (interviews, Delphi)
Corporate Foresight in Europe: a first overview, by Patrick Becker
Silvia's Questionnaire, KnowledgeBoard
Activities - how to promote foresight culture (brainstorming)
To start Knowledge Economy Foresight in New Member States: Latvia and Lithuania (brainstorming)Chairperson:
Dr Arturs Puga, Forward Studies Unit (Latvia)
8 Oct 2004
Forsaita pētījumu galvenās kvalitātes
Forsaita aktivitātes raisās arī Eiropas austrumos.
National and Corporate Foresight Seminar
UNIDO / British Council Foresight Retreat
Moscow, 17th November 2003
Семинар "Национальный и корпоративный форсайт", Москва 17-18 ноября 2003 г.
Dr. Michael Keenan, PREST, IoIR, University of Manchester
"Main Features of National and Regional foresight"
30 Sept 2004
Conference in Vilnius
A.Puga, Presentation in
"Knowledge Economy: Luxury or Necessity of the National Strategy ?", International conference, Vilnius, October 7, 2004
29 Sept 2004
Goodnip - Good Practices in Nordic Innovation Policies
"Innovation policies in the Nordic countries are all strongly influenced by the so-called systemic approach to innovation. According to this view technological advance and competence building is characterized by constant interplay and mutual learning between different types of knowledge and actors, including firms, institutes, universities, sources of financing, relevant public agencies and more. This view of technological change and competence development also forms the basis of the GoodNIP reports".
Report 1: Summary and policy recommendations contains a summary of the GoodNIP exercise, presentations of modern innovation theory and innovation policy developments in the Nordic countries, as well as various policy recommendations.
Report 2: Innovation policy trends and rationalities gives a thorough presentation a comparison of contemporary innovation policies and policy instruments in the Nordic countries, historically and contemporary.
A separate chapter discusses how policy development actually takes place in ministries and agencies, and introduces the concept of rationalities - i.e. common mental maps or frameworks of understanding that underpins policy development. This chapter also examine policy learning practices in the Nordic countries and gives some concrete advice on how to improve such learning processes.
Report 3: Innovation policy measures, documents and government structures
• Presentations of the innovation policy governance structures of the Nordic countries
• Summaries of relevant policy documents
• “Datasheets” presenting selected innovation policy measures
• An extended list of policy measures that goes beyond the ones included in the datasheet section
27 Sept 2004
Swedish Technology Foresight
A synthesis report from the Swedish Technology Foresight project, 2004
Inspiration for Innovation
Swedish Prosperity and Technology at the Crossroads, June 22, 2004, Brussels
The latest results from the recently completed Swedish Technology Foresight Programme were presented at this seminar. The new format of the second Swedish Technology Foresight Programme discussed.
A synthesis report, 2000
The Steering Committee of the Swedish Technology Foresight project:
"In our work with future-oriented issues, the process itself and the dedication of the participants have been at least as important as the written reports. These reports will now serve as valuable background material for all those who have
a responsibility and an interest in future-oriented issues in their daily work."
Presentation at "Our Future in the Making" Stockholm, November 25, 2002 By Göran Pagels-Fick, Chairman of the Foresight Methodology Group of the Swedish Technology Foresight Programme
26 Sept 2004
Foresight in Ukraine
British Council is closely co-operating with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the University of Manchester, PREST to foster the following projects in Ukraine:
Technology Vision 2020 for Ukraine
Institutional capacity building for technology management and innovation in Ukraine
Investment Promotion Programme for Ukraine
13.09.2004 – 30.09.2004. Проведення циклу семінарів-тренінгів «Програми дистанційного навчання з курсу «Технологічне передбачення». Проектування курсу виконано спеціалістами УЦДО. Семінари проводяться в рамках проекту UNIDO і є безкоштовними для українських слухачів.
Технологічне передбачення
Краткое описание
Технологическое предвидение – самый сложный элемент в процессе развития технологии. Оно обеспечивает вклады в формулирование политики и стратегий, руководящие развитием инфраструктуры технологии. В Украине возрастает потребность в развитии дистанционной учебной программы технологического предвидения, как для студентов, так и для тех граждан Украины, которые подключены (должны подключиться) к выполнению Национальной программы технологического предвидения. Целью этого проекта является создание дистанционной учебной программы технологического предвидения, использования возможностей Украинского центра дистанционного образования для построения и укрепления возможностей для тех украинцев, которые работают или будут работать в сфере технологического предвидения.
Foresight in the World (2000)
Current Foresight Activities in the World
Multi-country Foresight Activities
Lessons for Foresight Newcomers
Foresight by Mode 2 approach (Integration of Socio-economic Needs into Technology Foresight
Third Generation Foresight - Integrating the
Socio-economic Dimension)
The following common perceptions were seen lying beneath the sessions.
Developing countries, as well as advanced ones, recognize the necessity and usefulness of technology foresight.
The definition of technology foresight which the OECD defines as "the process involved in systematically attempting to look into the longer-term future of science and technology, the economy and society with the aim of identifying the areas of strategic technologies likely to yield the greatest economic and social benefits" is almost the same for countries concerned, although it varies slightly from country to country.
Currently, technology foresight is developing dynamically, encouraging many countries to work out an optimal combination of techniques. It is essential for countries carrying out foresight activities to exchange opinions and information with one another. In this sense, the conference was extremely significant.
In developing foresight activities, the OECD initiative, or the 1994 professional conference, played a critical role in bringing us to the second generation of foresight. Today, technology foresight is developing beyond the OECD area on a global scale. Many countries are integrating socioeconomic factors into foresight to utilize it as an effective policy tool."
16 Sept 2004
understanding Knowledge Management in the school
"The non-profit-sector – schools are part of it – has not been of major interest for knowledge management interventions so far."
I find the contribution to be of value and benefit to all parties - to rethink KM issues in schools of tomorrow starting today.
Investing efficiently in education and training: an imperative for Europe
The Lisbon goals and the ensuing objectives agreed for education and training remain more valid then ever. They were set by Member States themselves for themselves. This Communication does not intend to provide indications of what should be done in any particular country, and issues raised in it are clearly more important in some countries than in others. The core responsibility to deliver on the agreed goals lies with the education and training authorities in the current and future Member States. It is clear that if regions and countries fail to invest more, and more efficiently in their people they see their economic and social performance - and those of Europe as a whole - fall behind.
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION Investing efficiently in education and training: an imperative for Europe
Brussels, 10.01.2003 COM(2002) 779 final
15 Sept 2004
Knowledge Management Networking for Improving Public Administration
"From “what a knowledge society is and why it is necessary”, towards “how to become a knowledge society?”, knowledge management is the foundation.
What should be included in the KM “to do” list:
- To develop a vision and a strategy for a knowledge - based organization is a must.
- The mindset needs to be changed from managing information in the traditional way to the modern way which leads to effective knowledge management systems, namely, IT supported systems.
- It is pivotal to develop incentives and personal development opportunities for information management in an organization.
- To manage knowledge via networking."
Discover www.unpan.org
12 Sept 2004
RAINIS - 75 septembri 1929 - 2004
Katra patiesība top uzņemta tikai ar jūtām. Patiesība ir jūtu lieta. Arī zinātniskā. Uz to dibinājas jaunu zinātnisku atziņu neatzīšana un cīņa pret viņām, kur taču vajdzētu domāt, ka zinātniekus, kuri darbojas tikai ar prātu, vajdzētu tūliņ pārliecināt arī jauniem prāta slēdzieniem. Bet prāts nevar būt pārliecināts arī par 2X2=4, kad jūtas viņam to nejauj. Cilvēku nevar pat par viņa paša labumu pārliecināt, kad neaizkustina viņa jūtas. Jūtas ir kūtras, bet valda. Tādēļ jārunā uz jūtām, tādēļ vajdzīga retorika un poēzija.
Visu savu zināšanu savest sistēmā padara zinātāju par vienpusīgu un par zinātnieku. To var vēl tehniķi zinātnēs, bet ne dzejnieki, arī ne dzejnieki zinātnēs. Un īstam lielam dzejniekam jābūt arī dzejniekam zinātnēs. Viņa aforistiskās zināšanas tādēļ vēl nebūs nevērtīgas un nesistemātiskas, jo dzīves nopilnotos laikmetos un visas dzīves kopumā citu acīs, t. i., pēc nāves, būs atrodama sistēma, tikai lielāka, dziļāka un plašāka nekā zinātnieku tehniskās sistēmas. Sistēmu vienotājs pats gars.
Zināšana neapspiež radīšanu, jo viņa dod vielu radīšanai, un viņa radītāju - spēku - jau pirms tam ved neskaitāmās jaunās situācijās, kuras viņu dzen visu aplūkot un novērst no vienmēr jaunām pusēm, un, galvenais, sevi salīdzinot ar novēroto, papildināties un augt.
11 Sept 2004
about Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics (Forward Studies project)
ppt format
Collection of papers and presentations of the international conference "Baltic Dynamics 2004 - Innovation and development of knowledge-based entrepreneurship" (September 9-12, 2004, Riga, Latvia) is available from CD (Latvian Tehnological Center).
See the presentation swf file
10 Sept 2004
6 Sept 2004
Par zināšanu sabiedrībai veltīto konferenci Rīgā (14.-15.10.2004.)
Konferences mērķis ir aicināt valdības pārstāvjus, uzņēmējus, augstskolu akadēmisko personālu, jaunos zinātniekus, nevalstisko organizāciju pārstāvjus u.c. ieinteresētās puses kopīgi mācīties un radīt zināšanas par ceļiem un līdzekļiem, kā realizēt Lisabonas stratēģijas mērķus ikdienas darbībā. Uzņēmīgums un jaunrade (entrepreneurship) kā viens no Lisabonas procesa virzītājspēkiem būs īpašas uzmanības centrā konferences plenārsēdēs. Konferencē notiks arī interaktīvi darba semināri, lai veicinātu inovatīvas mācīšanās pieredzi dalībnieku zināšanu paaugstināšanai. Viņiem būs iespējas sniegt savu ieguldījumu Lisabonas stratēģijas attīstībā. Konferences ziņojumi un kopsavilkums par galvenajiem rezultātiem tiks publicēti un izplatīti sabiedrībā.
The Banking Institution of Higher Education (Latvia) cordially invites you to its 6th Annual International Conference: "Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia"
5 Sept 2004
How new technology can help the socially excluded in the Knowledge Society
Internet Tutorials, Search the Internet, Search Tool of the Month September University Libraries, State University of New York, Albany
2 Sept 2004
30 Aug 2004
Shaping Your Future in the Knowledge Society
"What is the Summit for the Future?
Visions & Strategies for 2020
Gain critical insights and a deeper understanding of the issues that will shape the Knowledge Society. The Summit for the Future 2005 is a European conference that brings together experts, thought leaders, policy makers and knowledge workers.
Together with top experts, this conference tackles key issues in five knowledge streams:
Trade / Service Industry
Media & Entertainment
Science & Technology"
29 Aug 2004
Zināšanu sabiedrība Latvijā Lisabonas stratēģijas pielietojumā
2001. gada Baltijas reģiona sadarbības programma
Cilvēkresursi Līvānu un Līvānu apkārtnes teritoriju ekonomiskajai attīstībai balstīti universitāšu un pašvaldību sadarbībā
22 Aug 2004
within the intersection of Knowledge Society trends (discussing in Latvia)
2. "Kritika naak par labu ikvienai strateegijai!
Taa veicina taas realizaaciju!
Buutu labi pricizeet Briseles kuluaarus!
Ja iet runa par neatkariigo ekspertu grupaam un to kvalitaati, tad ar pilnu atbildiibu varu teikt, ka līdz to profesionaalai kvalitaatei un godapraatam
Jeekaba ielas kambariem un koridoriem vismaz liidz naakamaas Saeimas veeleesanaam nav ceriibu izaugt.
Liidzaas kuluarriem ir darba dokumenti, kuri raada instrumentus kaa strateegija tiek un tiks realizeeta!
Sie dokumenti ir EC neatkariigu ekspertu un darba grupu piepules integraalis!
Pievienoju dazus sai veestulee!(...)"
21 Aug 2004
Our way
Ruben Nelson, Executive Director Foresight Canada
20 Aug 2004
This blog contains links to blogs and other online resources established by Professor Ian Miles (the Manchester, UK one)
We must turn
we must turn our spoiled and therefore inflexible mare into a fast running race horse
19 Aug 2004
18 Aug 2004
Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy
"Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia" on October 14 - 15, 2004
17 Aug 2004
Building the Knowledge Society
Information Society Commission, Ireland, 2002
Interview: Vivienne Jupp: Chair of the Information Society Commission 1997
13 Aug 2004
11 Aug 2004
Julie Thompson Klein : Notes Toward a Social Epistemology of Transdisciplinarity
Prof. Dr. Helga Nowotny is chair of the European Research Advisory Board and director of "Society in Science: the Branco Weiss Fellowship" based at ETH Zurich
to help acquire socially useful values
"The truth is that we have quite a bit of expertise in the field of learning. But our expertise is limited to mainly scholarly learning, particularly the acquisition of facts, concepts, formulae and organized bodies of knowledge.
This kind of expertise we have is badly limited in three respects: (a) We know how information is acquired but know far less about how it is being transformed by the solo learner and by a team of learners into meaningful knowledge. Only recently have we come to realize that information is not knowledge and that the acquisition of the former is hardly a necessary and surely not a sufficient condition for the latter. (b) We know even less about ways of turning knowledge into usable, rather than inert knowledge. (c) Most importantly, though, is the fact that we know how intellectual stuff is learned, but we know far less about acquiring human values and learning to live by them."
"If we knew how to help youngsters acquire socially useful values such as mutual help, caring, shared responsibility, striving for greater equality, interdependence instead of self-serving independence, and their likes, we might see a more humane society, perhaps poorer in monetary possessions yet richer in social capital. Such a society might also show greater compassion for the rest of the world that feels left out, oppressed, and exploited. It is that part of the world that breeds enough hatred to send human missiles into towers occupied by unsuspecting, innocent human beings."
8 Aug 2004
Baltic Dynamics 2004
Our team is working on the report "Entrepreneurial Foresight Network: Learning by Doing" (ideas and framework) to be presented at the conference
1 Aug 2004
Latvia Knowledge Economy Assessment 2002 - 2003 ( The World Bank )
A knowledge and high technologies intensive competitive national economy depends on four pillars:
The education system producing knowledge intensive human capital;
The economic and institutional framework which promotes the application of knowledge in business activities and application of high technologies in the industrial development;
A national innovation system which unites private companies, universities and research centers in the creation of new products and services;
Information and communication technology society which ensures an efficient diffusion and transfer of information
"With the EU membership on the horizon, Latvia's competitiveness within a single EU market is gaining in importance. In 2002, the Government of Latvia asked the World Bank to make an assessment of the country's knowledge economy, with specific emphasis on higher education and science, business and innovation environment for high technology companies as well as possibilities of creating a commercially oriented innovation system. The assessment of Latvia's knowledge economy comprises three reports which have been prepared by the World Bank experts in cooperation with the Latvian institutions:
1. "Creating a 21st Century National Innovation System for a 21st Century for Latvian Economy" was produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy.
2. "Toward a Knowledge Economy: Upgrading the Investment Climate and Enhancing Technology Transfers" was produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and the Latvian Development Agency.
3. "Higher Education: Changing Conditions, Problems, Tasks and Policy Solutions" was produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science.
These studies focus on particular sectors of the economy, including higher education and science, R&D, as well as business and innovation environment. To study the current situation in Latvia and highlight the opportunities for building a knowledge-intensive and globally competitive economy, the assessment also focuses on the private and public inputs and investment in these areas. The assessment of Latvia's knowledge economy aims at providing the Government of Latvia with the World Bank recommendations regarding the policy implementation and promoting the creation of knowledge based and competitive economy in the context of the European Union. Basing on this assessment, the Ministry of Economy has developed an Action Plan for the National Innovation Program mapping out specific activities for the creation of an efficient innovation system."
31 Jul 2004
November 2003 - Russian industry and the government are yet unfamiliar with foresight
"...cooperation could be formed using such tools as foresight. Unfortunately, as the chairman of scientific council of FKPI Alexander Dynkin told, Russian industry and the government are yet unfamiliar with it.
Such large companies as “Gazprom” can obtain necessary innovations through R&D financing and support. The mechanism of foresight could become a part that links ”corporate innovative systems” with the general course of the state innovative policy. The partnership of the state and large business should be treated as cooperation in creation and interaction of innovative systems. Such understanding would allow to link the goals and the strategy of the state with the demands of large business, so Russia would get more opportunities to become truly innovative."
30 Jul 2004
Does Russia need the foresight?
The results of the round table of representatives from Russian ministries, science and research institutions, businesses (web page in Russian)
Is there a need and possibilities for Foresight in Russia?
Estimation of the state
What does Russia lose without Foresight?
What public forces can be interested in Russian Foresight?
Memorandum - Foresight programme prospects in Russia
29 Jul 2004
Estonia's Learning Scenarios 2015
By Krista Loogma, Rein Ruubel, Viive Ruus, Ene-Silvia Sarv, and Raivo Vilu (May 1998). Shared with the 21st Century Learning Initiative because of John Abbott's intellectual support.
"The "Estonian Education Scenarios 2015" have been compiled to facilitate a national discussion on the future of education and to invite public support for a long-term education strategy. These Scenarios are being reviewed by the Estonian President, Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Parliament, among others."
"The following scenarios were developed with the understanding that, in order to have a learning society, it is necessary to create a level of agreement and cooperation between society at large and institutions of learning. In developing the education scenarios we considered the viewpoints of the different generations and ethnic groups that make up Estonia. We also considered insights from research in psychology, pedagogy, neuroscience, philosophy, economics and other research areas that influence learning and teaching. From these many considerations we have designed four scenarios describing what education in Estonia might look like in 2015."
Latvia Background Paper Foresight Cyprus
New foresight culture is on agenda in Europe challenging paradigms of the industrial society
28 Jul 2004
In Latvia: attempts of approaching Knowledge Society Foresight
also in
Arturs Puga. Social challenges facing Latvia: problems of identification. Foresight research outputs. In: Latvia in Europe: Visions of the Future, Collection of articles, Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, 2004, pp. 127 – 147.
In Latvian: Arturs Puga. Sociālie izaicinājumi Latvijā: identifikācijas problēmas. Forsaita pētījumu izraises. LZA BSPC projekts "Latvija Eiropā: nākotnes vīzijas", Rīga, 2003-2004
available on-line: http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/EFN/izraises.pdf
the key to every man
"The key to every man is his thought. Sturdy and defying though he look, he has a helm which he obeys, which is the idea after which all his facts are classified. He can only be reformed by showing him a new idea which commands his own. The life of man is a self-evolving circle, which, from a ring imperceptibly small, rushes on all sides outwards to new and larger circles, and that without end. The extent to which this generation of circles, wheel without wheel, will go, depends on the force or truth of the individual soul. For it is the inert effort of each thought, having formed itself into a circular wave of circumstance, - as, for instance, an empire, rules of an art, a local usage, a religious rite, - to heap itself on that ridge, and to solidify and hem in the life. But if the soul is quick and strong, it bursts over that boundary on all sides, and expands another orbit on the great deep, which also runs up into a high wave, with attempt again to stop and to bind. But the heart refuses to be imprisoned; in its first and narrowest pulses, it already tends outward with a vast force, and to immense and innumerable expansions."
Knowledge Society methodology (I should understand Europe and myself, we lie within the intersection of related trends)
"These [trends] are:
1. The development of information societies based on the large-scale diffusion and utilisation of new Information technologies (IT), which have allowed for unprecedented capabilities in “capturing”, processing, storing, and communicating data and information.
2. More generally than just in the IT case, the increasing importance of innovation (especially technological, but also organisational) as an element in corporate and national competitiveness, and in strategies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations of all types.
3. The development of service economies, in which the bulk of economic activity, employment, and output is taking place in service sectors of the economy, in which “service” is an important management principle in organisations in all sectors, and where specialised services (especially Knowledge-Intensive Business Services) are providing critical inputs to organisations in all sectors on a vastly increased scale.
4. Knowledge Management arises as a specific issue, as organisations seek to apply formal techniques and new information systems to help them make more effective use of their data resources (e.g. data mining), information assets (e.g. Enterprise Resource Systems) and expertise (e.g. human resource development, groupware and collaborative systems).
5. Other important developments, related to the points above, include globalisation, changes in demographic structures and in cultural practices, and environmental affairs.
The Handbook provides only highly summarised accounts of developments where there have been many disputes about their nature, and the interrelationships between the different elements."
(p.10) "Knowledge Society” is one term that has been
introduced in attempts to characterise some of the main developments in industrial societies in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries."
"...we suggest that a useful way of thinking about Knowledge Society (KS) is that it involves the intersection of several related trends."
24 Jul 2004
About the blog objectives
The Network (EFN) idea comes from knowledge sharing with European friends and colleagues in the EU conference "FORESIGHT FOR INNOVATION - THINKING AND DEBATING THE FUTURE; SHAPING AND ALIGNING POLICIES" (Dublin, June 14-15, 2004) and from research on LATVIA TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES OF EUROPE: NEW OPTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EMPLOYMENT ACHIEVING THE GOALS OF THE LISBON STRATEGY (Forward Studies Unit (Riga), Foresight project,2003-
We understand EFN in the making as
1) a net of interaction between individuals, organizations, enterprises;
2) a useful conceptual framework for knowledge (tacit and explicit) fusion, targeting, management aiming at possible futures for policies and strategies.
It is about the entrepreneurship ( in broader sense) mindset and activities for economic, social and environmental renewal in the Enlarged Europe. EFN could be a think-do community for the Lisbon strategy to implement the commitment 2000 - 2010.
Everybody is invited to join us. Thinking, debating, knowledge sharing and creating the future together.
Presently, EFN blog languages are English and Latvian.
Dr Ted Fuller
We can use a lot of knowledge on entrepreneurial foresight via Ted Fuller's research methodology, e-publications and presentations. The best for innovative learning.
Creating the Conscious Organization: The art of intelligence-making for strategic navigation
"Organisations are most inclined to remain viable if they are able to steer a secure course through the dynamic turbulence of their environments, at the same time achieving improved results for all their stakeholders. Viability requires that they be intimately connected with their external world in ways that promote mutual learning, responsiveness and adaptiveness. It also necessitates continuous upgrading of the organisation’s internal capabilities (both to perform and to navigate) in order to create value - wellbeing, or “fitness” in ecological terms - for itself and for the business ecosystem of which it is a part. We call this capability to remain aligned, integrated and viable, strategic navigation.9 Although the metaphor of navigation is an apt one, I am not necessarily referring solely to the sort of navigation practiced by Europeans. These navigators begin with a predetermined plan, or course, which they have charted according to certain universal principles. The voyage becomes one of relating their every move to that plan and all effort throughout the voyage is directed to remaining ‘on course’. If unexpected events occur, as they always will, the European navigator must first alter the plan, before responding accordingly.
Similarly beneficial in today’s complex world are the traditional navigational arts of the Trukese sailing masters of Micronesia who begin with a purpose, rather than a plan. Setting off towards a destination, they respond to changing conditions in an instinctive yet impromptu manner. Steering by utilising information provided ‘in the moment’ by the wind, waves, tide and current, fauna, stars, clouds (and even the sound of the water lapping on the side of the boat), their efforts are directed to doing whatever is necessary to reach their destination safely."
From Arturs:
We use in our project in Latvia more "Trukese" than "European" approach and methods.
Why? First of all, European foresight has ben separated from Latvians.
Why? We can and, I think, should discuss reasons.
But what also is important in discourse about the topic is
that rethinking Dr. Hames's strategic navigation and "Trukese" approach we remember such universal basics:
Knowledge, science is the assimilation of the message of freedom placed in the heart of man since Creation.
Belief and freedom help understand foresight.
Dr. Richard Hames
a selection of papers and publications "from integral practice fields in leadership development and organizational performance to current affairs, strategic intelligence and civilizational futures"
23 Jul 2004
Lisbon process in Latvian districts - Livani: entrepreneurship and sustainable community development
Livani District Council, home page in Latvian
European projects (in Latvian)
PHARE 2000 Implementing Sustainable Strategies for Livani District Economic Development - Phase I (in Latvian)
"Piesaista Eiropas Savienības naudu Līvānu novada ekonomikas attīstībai
Līvānu novadā uzsākta Eiropas Savienības (ES) PHARE 2001 Pārrobežu sadarbības programmas finansētā projekta "Ilgtermiņa stratēģiju ieviešana Līvānu novada ekonomiskajā attīstībā īstenošana. Pavisam minētajā projektā plānotas trīs fāzes trīs gadu garumā, kuras tiks realizētas, iekļaujoties Baltijas jūras reģiona divpadsmit sadarbības partneru kopīgā projektā. Kā informē Līvānu novada domes attīstības plānotāja Marika Rudzīte, konkrētais projekts ir viena no ES apjomīgās programmas INTERREG sastāvdaļām, un laika posmā līdz 2006. gadam tas paredz virkni aktivitāšu, kuru mērķis ir veicināt ekonomikas attīstību Līvānu novadā. Projekta ietvaros plānota:
piedalīšanās starptautiskās konferencēs ar mērķi gūt zināšanas un pieredzi, izmantojot tās Līvānu novada ekonomiskās attīstības programmas izstrādē, (tādas pašlaik novadā nav);
novada ekonomiskās attīstības programmas izstrāde 1. variantā, kas tiks pilnveidota visu trīs gadu garumā līdz projekta realizācijas beigām;
ekonomiskās attīstības potenciāla analīze jeb novada iedzīvotāju viedokļa apzināšana saistībā ar ekonomiskajām vajadzībām un iespējām;
Līvānu novada teritoriālā plānojuma izstrāde. Šobrīd kopēja teritoriālā plānojuma novadam nav, taču tas ir ļoti nepieciešams kaut vai, piemēram, plānojot apbūves noteikumus, nosakot rūpnieciskās, atpūtas un citu zonu attīstību un to atrašanās vietu;
bukleta par Līvānu novada ekonomiskajām iespējām sagatavošana un iespiešana. Buklets tiks izdots latviešu un angļu valodā un tajā būs noderīga informācija, kas varētu būt saistoša iespējamajiem investoriem;
biznesa inkubatora jeb biznesa atbalsta centra izveide. Projekta ietvaros tiks izveidotas un pilnībā aprīkotas biroja telpas, kas būs pieejamas potenciālajiem uzņēmējiem, kuriem ir biznesa ideja, bet trūkst telpu vai biroja tehnikas biznesa uzsākšanai. Tā būtu īslaicīga palīdzība, kuras laikā uzņēmējiem būs iespējas saņemt kvalificētu ekspertu un biznesa speciālistu konsultācijas biznesa plānu izstrādē, starptautisku kontaktu dibināšanā, grāmatvedības jautājumos un citās jomās. Šī centra celtniecības un iekārtošana plānota 2004. - 2005.gadā.
Tālmācības e-studiju kursu organizēšana profesionālajā saziņā, biznesa plānošanā brīvajam tirgum, datorapmācībā iesācējiem, datorapmācībā lietotājiem, e-komercijā un angļu valodā. Mācības plānots uzsākt šī gada oktobrī, tādēļ interesenti arī no citām pašvaldībām) ir aicināti pieteikties pa tālruni 53 07 254 (Astērija) vai personīgi Līvānu novada domes 1. stāvā, biznesa informācijas centrā;
biznesa zināšanu krātuves veidošana internetā jeb interneta mājas lapas izveide, kurā būtu apkopotas praktiskas zināšanas un padomi, kas uzņēmējiem palīdzētu attīstīt savu biznesu, kā arī dalīties pieredzē.
Projekta kopējais finansējums ir 182 433 eiro, no kura lielāko daļu apmaksās PHARE 2001 Pārrobežu sadarbības programma. Līdzfinansējums paredzēts arī no Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes (10 600 eiro) un Līvānu novada domes (28 600 eiro jeb 15,68% no kopējās summas) līdzekļiem.
Ginta Kraukle, Līvānu novada domes preses sekretāre (t.9879934) 04.09.2003."
Connecting European regions
"Interreg III is a Community initiative which aims to stimulate interregional cooperation in the EU between 2000-06. It is financed under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
This new phase of the Interreg initiative is designed to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the EU, by fostering the balanced development of the continent through cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. Special emphasis has been placed on integrating remote regions and those which share external borders with the candidate countries."
Livani in Superbs project
Superbs, Introduction
"The Superbs project aims at developing a comprehensive description of sustainable urban planning and community development strategies in the Baltic Sea region. The basic assumption is that sustainable development requires that all aspects, i.e. environmental, social, economic etc., of sustainability are addressed at the urban and neighbourhood level.
Model Site: Livani, Latvia
Building a community together
Main issues
1. Sustainable development through jobs creation, economy and social well-being
2. Municipalities in the challenge of sustainability and participatory democracy
Model description
Historically the inhabitants has a long cultural and applied arts tradition. Now, in the period of transition to the market economy and structural changes, the inhabitants of the town face problems of unemployment and social discomfort. The new visions of possible development of the town should be discussed with a broad public participation in order to rise creativity, self consciousness as well as self-reliance of the people in the town. Livani has a functional sewage treatment plant, developed district heating and centralised water supply. The local self-government need to be developed, and new tools and methods should be used to mobilise the intellectual capacity of the society. With sufficient education to start new activities the inhabitants have many new opportunities to develop democracy. Local self-government is pursued by young well educated and active persons, but the changes do not enough support because of the traditional local political structures, and the public organisation are not developed."
Best Practice Conference in Livani, 5-7 March 2004 Sustainable Economic Development, Conference Programme
Supporting Europe in realising the Lisbon objectives
"More and better employment, work-life balance, industrial relations and partnership, and social cohesion are the four key themes identified as priority areas for the Foundation’s work over the next four years, as outlined in the new four-year work programme"
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Conceptual framework for knowledge management in (central) government
Dr. Mirko Noordegraaf, Utrecht School of Governance University of Utrecht
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Public Sector Information Policy Directorate
The Netherlands
"Providing an understanding of how knowledge management is viewed is no more than an initial but nonetheless crucial step in reducing the confusion that lies concealed under the label of knowledge management. This confusion cannot be dismissed as merely semantic or conceptual confusion that is capable of being resolved by means of ‘pure’ terminology. The confusion has a paradigmatic nature: knowledge management can be regarded in fundamentally different ways. This means that the building blocks of knowledge management projects, such as specific instruments, have differing content and significance, and that fundamentally different combinations of building blocks are created. Different types of knowledge management exist, namely business management, policy management, strategic management and administrative management, each of which serves different goals."
"Strategic motives
The common factor in the third type of motive is that experts and managers use knowledge management to respond better to ambient developments. In terms of problem-setting it is argued that in present circumstances policy formation is encountering all kinds of obstacles, mainly because the ministry’s ‘grip’ on (knowledge-intensive) ambient developments is loosening. A strengthening of the strategic capacity need not be regarded merely as a strengthening of the ministry's own capacity. In various places, this ambition has an external dimension, namely to strengthen the strategic capacity of the Netherlands as a ‘knowledge-based society’. "
22 Jul 2004
More about Knowledge Management
"...introductory article grounds Personal Knowledge Management within a well-researched social and technical background..."
I assume that the understanding of the role of knowledge management - personal, organizational, KM in government, etc. - is crucial to setting Lisbon strategy ideas and objectives in everydays's thinking and innovative entrepreneurship.
We used to spend money to learn, discuss political and private life, about cars and driving, history. But for knowledge management? We all are politicians, drivers, historians. But are we also "knowledge managers" or "knowledge workers"? Are we taking more risks to recognize the need to enter into knowledge management initiatives than to drive a car?
In my viewpoint, this is one of the best projects (EU level,36 months) implemented to achieve knowledge objectives of the Lisbon strategy.
We can ask any question about knowledge, you can choose between tens of communities and ways to participate in knowledge management dealing with theory and improving practice.
Useful information
"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself" Galileo Galilei
In January - June 2004, our team on the project "Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon strategy" (the Latvian Council of Science, Nr. 04.1096) set up a framework for research methodology and practice, and presented their approach and instruments to Latvian science, business and political institutions.
Research objectives and strategies aimed at new knowledge generation on the development of entrepreneurship as a key driver of the Lisbon process , about trends and prospects in research on entrepreneurial foresight topics have been outlined in working presentations on-line. We put ‘to the issue small starlight’, one of many approaches to facilitate knowledge-based economy and knowledge society both in Latvia and Europe. Timeline for the project (small European non-profit enterprise) ends on 31 December, 2010.
129 months programme
Know how to climb up 'against the current' ?
The main page for a learning citizen.
12 Jul 2004
Foresight of a European citizen
Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics for Lisbon strategy and process, bottom-top approach - a learning citizen | |||
Knowledge economy | Knowledge society | ||
Futures studies | Innovation | Language challenge | Foresight |
Political leadership role | Entrepreneurship | Innovative learning society | Foresight culture |
Values | Lisbon process in Member States | Sustainable development | Knowledge management |
I see our emerging network - for 5, 10 or more Latvian and international users - as a developmental model. Our project team in Latvia has its own understanding, corporate foresight both about the Lisbon strategy objectives and how the designs and outputs of the Brussels programme (2000-2010) could be actualized and creatively used by a citizen (entrepreneurial citizen). Our approach and proposed methods provide one of thousands of ways how a European deals with the Lisbon strategy and process.
Since May 2003, we have attempted to research and navigate towards chosen destination. See about the project: http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/EFN/augsa.html
Our ideas and innovative proposals have been discussed in international conferences and workshops, outputs are given in books, on-line presentations, mass media. We try to apply an interdisciplinary approach to the topic, but an opponent may say - this is problem of enormous magnitude and complexity and not for a small team. You cannot reach - the opponent continues - declared objectives of comprehension, research and networking.
Maybe. Nobody can predict the future. We plan for the future.
Therefore, I have decided to start posting with a link to gain insight into
THE POPE JOHN PAUL POETRY ENTITLED "ROMAN TRIPTYCH, MEDITATION" http:=//www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/books/documents/hf_jp-ii_books_20030306_presentation-trittico-romano_en.html which is very important to my family. In the given triptich we see the philosophical background of our way ( also research) and share these basics with other network users: VALUES, THE ETERNAL KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, THE FORESIGHT OF MAN.
The opponent states the Lisbon objectives focused to explore and develop the knowledge-based economy. It's right. Please open Latvia Knowledge Economy Assessment 2002 - 2003, a basic research for all.
In the same time, my 'individual knowledge economy' is based on the application of human know-how, of a set of elements in which individual values, attention, ambitions, behaviour, skills are being combined and integrated to form the systems that are essential for learning, rethinking, creation.
I suppose - addressing a citizen in the Lisbon process - that using certain 'frameworks' (relatively constant or changing) you can both anticipate yourself and interact with other humans, with social actors and environment. See the experimental one - ENREPRENEURIAL FORESIGHT BASICS on the top.
Framework. (Computing Dictionary) In object-oriented systems, a set of classes that embodies an abstract design for solutions to a number of related problems;
(Dream Dictionary) Seeing the framework of a house or other structures in your dream means integrity and your basic, core characteristics. Houses in dreams represents your self and its framework is symbolic of your belief system and the traits and attributes that makes you stand up for yourself. In particular, a wooden framework means a warm and yielding quality, where as a steel framework represents a cold and unyielding quality.
HOW THE INDIVIDUAL'S VALUES, BELIEFS, ATTENTION ( here: a general interest that leads people to want to know more; the faculty or power of mental concentration; the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others ) , AMBITIONS, SKILLS help or hinder him to navigate to Lisbon objectives? Each case is unique, but we will search for some generalizations.
KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY is being discussed moving towards Lisbon objectives.
I would like to include in this post also Ralph W. Emerson's Thoughts on Modern Literature (1840).
"Of the perception now fast becoming a conscious fact, - that there is One Mind, and that all the powers and privileges which lie in any, lie in all; that I as a man may claim and appropriate whatever of true or fair or good or strong has anywhere been exhibited; that Moses and Confucius, Montaigne and Leibnitz are not so much individuals as they are parts of man and parts of me, and my intelligence proves them my own, - literature is far the best expression." http://www.emersoncentral.com/thoughts_on_modern_literature.htm
In our research, the project team found that Jānis Rainis (1865-1929), the most famous Latvian thinker and poet, had expressed his ideas about man, the world and the eternity (but not about God) like ones that given out from the Triptich and from the Thoughts on modern literature. Rainis explained and developed poetry as the new method in Latvia to challenge paradigm towards a New Citizen and New Age.
WORKS OF RAINIS, up to now available only in Latvian on-line.
"THEIR FACE IS FORWARD, AND THEIR HEART IS IN THIS HEAVEN", - R.W.Emerson's voice from America resounds into centuries and also describes the European futurist (one whose chief interests are in what is to come; one who anxiously, eagerly, or confidently looks forward to the future), we would add - foresight professional of his age, Rainis.
The Lisbon strategy is a commitment to renewal. This commitment in Latvia is also the Rainis’s way who had made efforts to spiritually guide a nation in first decades of the 20th century and foreseen a future Latvia in a new, united Europe.
In our opinion, these impressions and interconnections are important for our discourse on the Lisbon process. Inspiration from futures poetry helps researchers to bring knowledge into new constellations.
In the Lisbon context, I see the major challenge of enhancing understanding of the issues related to a citizen’s entrepreneurial mindset. Therefore, we propose ENTREPRENEURIAL FORESIGHT BASICS. This approach also provides opportunities to share knowledge how better translate elements of the Lisbon strategy into forms and actions which make sense to governmental structures and decision-makers, business people and other stakeholders in Member States. Welcome to the blog !