27 Dec 2012

Systems, Networks and Foresight Methodologies

"a new book series entitled Complex Social, Economic and Engineered Networks has been launched to help propel as well as document the huge pulse of social, economic and engineering network research"
see more Springer Link

Complex Networks and Dynamic Systems Volume 1, 2013  "Recent Developments in Foresight Methodologies"  Table of contents.  18 chapters

28 Nov 2012

Forsaits Rīgai

Nākotnes studiju darba grupas prezentācija par forsaita iespējām rīdziniekiem (skat pdf)
Forumā "Rīga dimd - iedzīvotāji runā" 2012.gada 21.novembrī

Redzēt Forumu

30 Oct 2012

The global women foresight

Methodology of the Millennia 2015 Foresight Research Process see more

Millennia2015, Women actors of development for the global challenges

14 Sept 2012

Kasandras fenomens

Forsaits prasa godīgu darbu.
Valstī, kur valda blēdīšanās, forsaita pielietošana nav iespējama.

29 Aug 2012

Foresight for people and policies

The European Foresight Platform (EFP) - a network building program supported by the EC's FP7.
EFP Final Event ”Forward Looking Activities Governing Grand Challenges” September 2012, Vienna.

14 Jun 2012

Latvia (2010-2030) ...

Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030 is the hierarchically highest long term development planning document in Latvia (Development Planning System Law  see), approved by the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) in June 10, 2010.
in Latvian
How the plan was created?

Policy documents The Latvian National Development Plan 2007-2013 in English

23 May 2012

mūžs - saruna

Visas dzīves būtība - no sākuma līdz beigām - tā ir saruna pašam ar sevi.
Domās un fiziski. 

Kas tam nepiekrīt?

12 Apr 2012

The beginning motivation

For the all cases concerning causes of motivation: 
we must act all the time (even when we subconsciously dreaming about anything) because we are alive . The first motivation for humans and not only for them - we must do something.

And it happens - the individual chooses (for instance, when and how to stand up).

22 Mar 2012

Are we free? Aristotle

Freedom, to prefer freedom, is our guide for life.

For others, priority is to gain power and/or money.

Aristotle (Rhetoric):
"Thus every action must be due to one or other of seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reasoning, anger, or appetite."

25 Feb 2012

Domāšana un valoda, tā nav politika

Valoda ir domāšanas instruments.

Domāšana - tā ir saruna pašam ar sevi, saruna mūža garumā (interacting of thoughts in one's head, community of one).

Tas, kā es domāju, ir atkarīgs no manas agrās bērnības, turpmākās pieredzes, vērtībām - ko neapzināti un apzināti uzskatu par svarīgākajām un svarīgām, no tuviem un tālākiem mērķiem - un attiecīgām manām darbībām. Katrs darbs ir mērķtiecīga piepūle.

Ko un kā domāt, ar kādiem simboliem un kādā valodā, un kāpēc tā - katrs pats izvēlas savus domāšanas līdzekļus.

Cilvēkiem vajadzētu saprast, ka jēdziens "valoda" nedrīkst būt par politikas ieroci cilvēku pārvaldīšanai.

5 Jan 2012

Cohuman, Asana, Trello

Dr. Andrew Makar explains why free project collaboration tools (Cohuman, Asana, and Trello) are worth and points to new trends in the field. see from TechRepublic