19 Oct 2004

Foresight Methodologies

United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Technology ForeSight Initiative

Foresight Methodologies
Training Module 2

"UNIDO Regional Initiative on Technology Foresight for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Newly Independent States (NIS) aims at responding to the region need for a mid-and long-term development vision as well as for bringing a more technology-oriented focus into the relevant national and regional knowledge-based institutions.(...)

As a component dedicated to strengthening the capabilities in the region to conduct and apply foresight in the decision making process, UNIDO has established training programmes on technology foresight in selected institutions in the CEE/NIS. This action promotes training according to four modules, dedicated to: organizers (module 1), practitioners (module 2), decision makers (module 3) and corporate (module 4).

Training Module 2 should provide to participants an overview of the most used methodologies and practical experience on applying them in foresight exercise. The module dedicated to technology foresight practitioners."

Background analysis: trend extrapolation; analysis of framework; megatrend analysis

Strategic Framework for Scoping Technology Foresight

Brainstorming: a creative problem-solving

Using Expert and Stakeholder Panels in Technology Foresight – Principles and Practice

Scenario Planning


Critical Technologies

Technology Roadmapping


Training Course "Technology Foresight for Practitioners"
Prague, Czech Republic, 6–10 October 2003

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