29 Dec 2006

Sustainable Innovation

This book presents empirical research and cases to develop a theory of sustainable innovation LINK
The Organisational, Human and Knowledge Dimension
Contributing Editor: René Jorna

Research on Science Policy in European countries

"Managing with Uncertainty in Science Policy"
Financed within the Improving Human Potential Programme, STRATA activity under the European 5th Framework Programme

30 Nov 2006

Knowledge Management - Australia

by Kim Sbarcea link pdf

"aim is to offer new ways of thinking on topics as varied as knowledge management; social networks; chaos and complexity theory; cyberspace. "
Kim Sbarcea and ThinkingShift.com - personal website

EFMN - mapping foresight initiatives across the world

Guidance Notes for EFMN Mapping link (pdf)

Country Foresight Statistics:
EFMN briefs
Foresight initiatives
Other documents

EFMN home

Anyone wishing to contribute to this work as a correspondent should send an email to butter@stb.tno.nl

10 Oct 2006


Rupert Wegerif, School of Education, Open University

Literature Review in Thinking Skills, Technology and Learning
a link (pdf)

Innovation in Education

10 Sept 2006

Social Knowledge Management

Meric S. Gertler and David A. Wolfe Local Social Knowledge Management: Community Actors, Institutions and Multilevel Governance in Regional Foresight Exercises," Futures, (36)
2004, 45-65.

Recent publications.
Program on Globalization and Regional Innovation Systems,
Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto


16 Aug 2006


Dealing with Language Challenge

Pragmatics LINGUISTICS the study of how particular words in a language are chosen and used

(Macmillan English Dictionary Online)

Tarja Nikula
Research Fellow of the Academy of Finland

Roles, Functions and Uses of English in EFL and Content-based Classrooms
a link
In recent years, perspectives on language learning have been changing as researchers have started to place more emphasis on socio-cultural and constructivist aspects of language learning and language use (e.g. Ochs 1993, Donato & McCormick 1994, Wells 1999, Lantolf 2000, Zuengler et al. 2001).

Proponents of this more social view, in the words of Zuengler et al. (2001:1) "have conceived of language as a dynamic and socially grounded practice" rather than as an autonomous system that is made up of abstract representations at the levels of phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis.

The focus has thus shifted from individual learners and what they need to do and know to communicate to a more social view of communication as a joint process. As Young (2001:3) puts it, "current research has advanced the position that abilities, actions, and activities do not belong to the individual but are jointly constructed by all participants".

English voices in Finnish society: The use of English in media, education and professional settings
Department of Languages, University of Jyväskylä

7 Aug 2006

foresight, FP7

Frictions and Lubricants in Shaping Ways to European Future - Foresight as a Permanent Policy Tool
Werner Wobbe, European Commission, DG Research - Directorate K, Unit "Science and Technology Foresight"; links with the IPTS


"The Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic in cooperation with Technology Centre AS CR organized a conference "Ways to European Future - A Dialogue between Policy Makers and Foresight Practitioners" on 11-12 May 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference was organized within the ForSociety ERA-NET which is focused on coordinating national foresight exercises. The project website: http://www.eranet-forsociety.net/.

Presentations presented at the conference are now available to download."
a link

KM, learning and research in Latvia

Dace Apshvalka

The Riga Technical university, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Systems, Department of System Theory and Design

List of publications - 2003-2005

28 Jul 2006

SCAR foresight activities

European Commission > Research > Agriculture > SCAR > SCAR mandate
Foresight activities

Following the second plenary meeting, the SCAR decided to launch a long-term foresight process aimed at assessing the outlook of European agriculture by 2015-2020.

The SCAR-WG is currently preparing the ground for a research agenda on foresight initiatives undertaken by SCAR, based on existing foresight studies/activities and possible mapping/networking of foresight activities at national, EU and international level.

An important step towards this objective might be a foresight conference on the future of European agriculture to be held in the first half of 2007 during the German presidency.

Source: Standing Committee on Agricultural Research mandate
The scope and role of the ‘new SCAR’
SCAR net

30 Jun 2006

Published on KnowledgeBoard

Technologies for Personal and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Knowledge Management

Eric Tsui
Financial Services, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), North Sydney, Australia and School of Business Information Technology, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

a link
"There has been numerous articles published on the role of IT and KM systems in organisations but there is a lack of research into KM tools for individuals and server-less KM tools/systems. By adopting a bottom-up approach, this research focusses on tools that assist the Individual Knowledge Worker (IKW) who, in today’s competitive knowledge-based society, has a constant need to capture, categorise and locate/distribute knowledge on multiple devices and with multiple parties."

Peter Bond (Learning Futures Ltd)
The Reconciliation of Knowledge and Technology Management

a link to the article

discussion on KnowledgeBoard, 2005-

Peter Bond, Understanding Technology as Knowledge and Culture (2006)
a link

21 May 2006

Strategic Policy Intelligence: RegStrat

The RegStrat Project
Strategic Policy Intelligence Tools for Better S&T Investment Strategies in Europe's Regions project description (pdf)

"The 2-year project adopts an ambitious cross-cutting and integrating approach to harness synergies from past and present developments, and knowledge stocks regarding Strategic Policy Intelligence (SPI1) tools. The approach takes account of the different governance levels, different policy and policy research fields, and the different actor communities of Europe's (trans-) regional, national and sectoral innovation systems." (...)

"What has been shown, e.g. through EU- or self-supported regional initiatives or the Irish experience, is that some territories in Europe and also in other continents made considerable progress through the application of appropriately conceived SPI tools. As regional progress in this respect is also convincing to policy makers and program managers at other governance levels, these territories tend to attract additional resources from national, EU (Regional Development, Agriculture, Infrastructure etc.) and foreign direct investment budgets more successfully.

RegStrat aims, therefore, at supporting regional actors in the acquisition of such expertise. As strategic knowledge is both expensive to generate and difficult to translate into day-to-day decision-making, it is also important to facilitate networking and knowledge-exchange between regions and with EU level organizations, taking advantage of the different regional structures, preconditions and processes. Exchanging strategic knowledge across a broader range of policy fields, policy actors and governance levels also meets the growing demand for greater transparency and participation in public decisions."

The RegStrat project http://www.regstrat.net/ is a Co-ordination Action supported by the Regions of Knowledge 2-Program of the European Commission’s DG Research. The project consortium is composed of Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ), for Baden-Württemberg, as co-ordinator and the following partners:
IRER, the Regional Institute for Research of Lombardy, for Lombardia, Italy;
Forfás, the National Policy Advisory Board for Enterprise, Trade, Science, Technology and Innovation, for Ireland;
Fundecyt, the Foundation for the Development, for Extremadura, Spain;
WUT, Wroclaw University of Technology, for Lower Silesia, Poland; and
IBS, the Institute of Baltic Studies, for Tartu Region, Estonia.

The Roles of Foresight in (Regional) Policy Making
Dr. Günter Clar
Stuttgart, 31 March, 2006
MLP workshop "Regional Foresight"

The Conference on Strategic Policy Intelligence for Regional Decision-Making and the second MLP Regional Foresight Workshop are organised as a joint undertaking on 30 and 31 March 2006 in Stuttgart. The events are organized by Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) in collaboration with the Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Secretariat and the Ministries of Economic Affairs, and Research, Science and the Arts, State of Baden-Württemberg. a link

Dr. Günter Clar:
Innovation – there’s more to it than new products
- Innovations are embedded in everyday activities of enterprises and all other social actors, not only in scientific contexts

- There are many kinds of innovations: technological innovations, service innovations, societal innovations

- In addition to radical inventions, the importance of incremental improvements for competitiveness are not to be underestimated

- Innovation is closely connected to learning, in tacit forms and explicit ones

- Innovation is a complex process, from the creation of 'the new‘ to recombining the ‘old’ to embedding it in an application context, to its dissemination

- Different types of co-operation of many kinds of actors is important for successful innovation processes.

10 Apr 2006

Knowledge Society Foresight for Europe, 2006

Ireland and the knowledge society

Author: Ian Miles
Research institute: PREST, Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester
Foundation project: Knowledge society
Research manager: Timo Kauppinen
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2005

"This report was prepared as a contribution to discussions about Knowledge Society Foresight (KSF) in the Republic of Ireland. It draws on earlier work completed for the EUFORIA project by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (the Foundation)."

a link

p.48 "To conclude, this report emphasises the point that for successful KSF in Ireland, it is important to ensure that:

- there is demand for this activity from within Ireland;
- specific Irish sponsors are prepared to champion the work;
- Irish foresight practitioners are available to design the process;
- they can enlist researchers, experts and stakeholders into the programme.

In accordance with this philosophy, the report has tried to avoid being too prescriptive in relation to what should be done. There is no standard solution for KSF. EUFORIA, for instance, was a pilot study designed to explore and demonstrate the applicability of foresight tools to KSF. It did not consist of a set of extensive national exercises and, in particular, lacked the close connection to local sponsors and decision-makers that is really required for comprehensive foresight studies. It did succeed, nevertheless, in demonstrating the applicability of various tools, which have described in this report, to give an indication of the lessons learned in relation to types of approaches.(...)

The experience of KSF will be an interesting one to watch, given the very distinctive circumstances in which Ireland finds itself, and the mission that has been set out above for the Irish exercise. It is likely that an Irish KSF will produce results that will be of great interest to those of us in other countries. This will probably be recognised most immediately among new Member States of the EU, given their interest in emulating Irish development. However, the overall strategy of conducting a national KSF study is highly relevant to all EU countries, as they continue to shape their own styles of KS."

5 Apr 2006

sharing knowledge in Slovenia

VII. Bled Forum
Photo Gallery

VII. Bled Forum on Europe

On Bled Forum website

AC UNU Millennium Project as a Tool to cope with Global Challenges
Mr. Jerome C. GLENN, Director, AC UNU Millennium Project – American Council for the United Nations University presentation

Lisbon Strategy - a Motivation and Orientation for Future Oriented Policy Making
Ms. Maria João RODRIGUES, Special Adviser to the European Commission and President of the European Commission’s Advisory Group for Social Sciences, ISCTE, Lisbon presentation

EU Enlargement Futures Project of the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS Seville): The Role of S&T Institutions and S&T Policies for the Development of a Knowledge Based Society
Mr. Blaž GOLOB, Bled Forum on Europe, Slovenian Research Agency presentation

Ms. Jennifer CASSINGENA HARPER, Director, Policy Development Centre, Malta Council for Science and Technology presentation

6 Mar 2006

Link to 12manage

12manage - Management portal summarizes over 400 management methods and organizational theories and explains over 1500 management terms, combining scientific rigor with practical relevance. Classification into the following 12 categories : Change & Organization, Communication & Skills, Decision-making & Valuation, Ethics & Responsibility, Finance & Investing, Human Resources, Knowledge & Intangibles, Leadership, Marketing, Program & Project Management, Strategy, and Supply Chain & Quality. Access is free. Translations in 12 languages.

9 Feb 2006

Foresight conference, Bled Forum on Europe

Foresight Conference on Global, European and Regional Governance 3–4 March 2006, Bled/Slovenia

See Invitation
With this conference the organisers want to contribute to the further advancement of foresight research in Europe and especially also to the
development of scientific capacities for foresight research (technological and socioeconomic foresight) in so called Western Balkan countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania).

Main topics of the conference will be:
– Global challenges (AC UNU Millennium Project) and the role of Foresight for global governance
– European challenges (Lisbon process and beyond) and the role of Foresight for European policy making
– Governance challenges for Southeast European or Western Balkan countries and the role of Foresight for policy making in and towards this region.

The conference also aims at providing a basic overview on who is doing what in foresight research in SEE countries. In addition, researchers from SEE countries active in foresight research shall get an opportunity to find out about »state of the art« in foresight research, about global, and Europe-wide programmes and networks on foresight research in order to facilitate the integration of SEE foresight researchers in existing networks and programmes.

Furthermore the conference aims at giving an impetus to regional foresight studies focusing on SEE region (comparable to the IPTS Enlargement Futures-Project).

online at ForSociety

1 Jan 2006

one thing remains the same - education and knowledge is the only route to prosperity

Education and regeneration 18 November 2005

Education is the spark that can light a love of learning, and we know what learning means - horizons broadened, imaginations are fired, confidence and ambition take root. Success only comes through hard work, but how much easier it is to work hard if you can feel the strength of your own inner potential. That is what a good teacher and a thriving school does, they give a child that most precious asset in life - self-belief.
education is the liberator, it is the gateway, it is the only thing that can transform their lives
And when we change and make changes that are necessary to provide opportunities, because the world around us is changing so fast, we don't betray the principles in which we believe, we fulfil them.
This country will succeed or fail on the basis of how it changes itself and gears up to this new economy, based on knowledge.
Education therefore is now the centre of economic policy making for the future. What I am saying is, we know what works within our education system, we can learn the lessons of it. The key is now to apply those lessons, push them right throughout the education system, until the young children, whether they are growing up here in the constituency of Sedgefield, or in the inner city urban estates of London, or Liverpool, or Manchester, or Newcastle, wherever they are, they get the chance to make the most of their God given potential. It is the only vision, in my view, that will work in the 21st century.

18 November 2005
Tony Blair gave a speech on education in his constituency of Sedgefield.

PM's speeches, statements, press conferences, broadcasts and media interviews