12 Jul 2004

Foresight of a European citizen

Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics for Lisbon strategy and process,
bottom-top approach - a learning citizen
Knowledge economyKnowledge society
Futures studiesInnovationLanguage challengeForesight
Political leadership roleEntrepreneurshipInnovative learning societyForesight culture
ValuesLisbon process in Member StatesSustainable developmentKnowledge management

I see our emerging network - for 5, 10 or more Latvian and international users - as a developmental model. Our project team in Latvia has its own understanding, corporate foresight both about the Lisbon strategy objectives and how the designs and outputs of the Brussels programme (2000-2010) could be actualized and creatively used by a citizen (entrepreneurial citizen). Our approach and proposed methods provide one of thousands of ways how a European deals with the Lisbon strategy and process.

Since May 2003, we have attempted to research and navigate towards chosen destination. See about the project: http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/EFN/augsa.html
Our ideas and innovative proposals have been discussed in international conferences and workshops, outputs are given in books, on-line presentations, mass media. We try to apply an interdisciplinary approach to the topic, but an opponent may say - this is problem of enormous magnitude and complexity and not for a small team. You cannot reach - the opponent continues - declared objectives of comprehension, research and networking.

Maybe. Nobody can predict the future. We plan for the future.

Therefore, I have decided to start posting with a link to gain insight into
THE POPE JOHN PAUL POETRY ENTITLED "ROMAN TRIPTYCH, MEDITATION" http:=//www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/books/documents/hf_jp-ii_books_20030306_presentation-trittico-romano_en.html which is very important to my family. In the given triptich we see the philosophical background of our way ( also research) and share these basics with other network users: VALUES, THE ETERNAL KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, THE FORESIGHT OF MAN.

The opponent states the Lisbon objectives focused to explore and develop the knowledge-based economy. It's right. Please open Latvia Knowledge Economy Assessment 2002 - 2003, a basic research for all.

In the same time, my 'individual knowledge economy' is based on the application of human know-how, of a set of elements in which individual values, attention, ambitions, behaviour, skills are being combined and integrated to form the systems that are essential for learning, rethinking, creation.

I suppose - addressing a citizen in the Lisbon process - that using certain 'frameworks' (relatively constant or changing) you can both anticipate yourself and interact with other humans, with social actors and environment. See the experimental one - ENREPRENEURIAL FORESIGHT BASICS on the top.

Framework. (Computing Dictionary) In object-oriented systems, a set of classes that embodies an abstract design for solutions to a number of related problems;

(Dream Dictionary) Seeing the framework of a house or other structures in your dream means integrity and your basic, core characteristics. Houses in dreams represents your self and its framework is symbolic of your belief system and the traits and attributes that makes you stand up for yourself. In particular, a wooden framework means a warm and yielding quality, where as a steel framework represents a cold and unyielding quality.

HOW THE INDIVIDUAL'S VALUES, BELIEFS, ATTENTION ( here: a general interest that leads people to want to know more; the faculty or power of mental concentration; the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others ) , AMBITIONS, SKILLS help or hinder him to navigate to Lisbon objectives? Each case is unique, but we will search for some generalizations.

KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY is being discussed moving towards Lisbon objectives.

I would like to include in this post also Ralph W. Emerson's Thoughts on Modern Literature (1840).

"Of the perception now fast becoming a conscious fact, - that there is One Mind, and that all the powers and privileges which lie in any, lie in all; that I as a man may claim and appropriate whatever of true or fair or good or strong has anywhere been exhibited; that Moses and Confucius, Montaigne and Leibnitz are not so much individuals as they are parts of man and parts of me, and my intelligence proves them my own, - literature is far the best expression." http://www.emersoncentral.com/thoughts_on_modern_literature.htm

In our research, the project team found that Jānis Rainis (1865-1929), the most famous Latvian thinker and poet, had expressed his ideas about man, the world and the eternity (but not about God) like ones that given out from the Triptich and from the Thoughts on modern literature. Rainis explained and developed poetry as the new method in Latvia to challenge paradigm towards a New Citizen and New Age.


WORKS OF RAINIS, up to now available only in Latvian on-line.

"THEIR FACE IS FORWARD, AND THEIR HEART IS IN THIS HEAVEN", - R.W.Emerson's voice from America resounds into centuries and also describes the European futurist (one whose chief interests are in what is to come; one who anxiously, eagerly, or confidently looks forward to the future), we would add - foresight professional of his age, Rainis.

The Lisbon strategy is a commitment to renewal. This commitment in Latvia is also the Rainis’s way who had made efforts to spiritually guide a nation in first decades of the 20th century and foreseen a future Latvia in a new, united Europe.

In our opinion, these impressions and interconnections are important for our discourse on the Lisbon process. Inspiration from futures poetry helps researchers to bring knowledge into new constellations.

In the Lisbon context, I see the major challenge of enhancing understanding of the issues related to a citizen’s entrepreneurial mindset. Therefore, we propose ENTREPRENEURIAL FORESIGHT BASICS. This approach also provides opportunities to share knowledge how better translate elements of the Lisbon strategy into forms and actions which make sense to governmental structures and decision-makers, business people and other stakeholders in Member States. Welcome to the blog !

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