Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight
"These [trends] are:
1. The development of information societies based on the large-scale diffusion and utilisation of new Information technologies (IT), which have allowed for unprecedented capabilities in “capturing”, processing, storing, and communicating data and information.
2. More generally than just in the IT case, the increasing importance of innovation (especially technological, but also organisational) as an element in corporate and national competitiveness, and in strategies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations of all types.
3. The development of service economies, in which the bulk of economic activity, employment, and output is taking place in service sectors of the economy, in which “service” is an important management principle in organisations in all sectors, and where specialised services (especially Knowledge-Intensive Business Services) are providing critical inputs to organisations in all sectors on a vastly increased scale.
4. Knowledge Management arises as a specific issue, as organisations seek to apply formal techniques and new information systems to help them make more effective use of their data resources (e.g. data mining), information assets (e.g. Enterprise Resource Systems) and expertise (e.g. human resource development, groupware and collaborative systems).
5. Other important developments, related to the points above, include globalisation, changes in demographic structures and in cultural practices, and environmental affairs.
The Handbook provides only highly summarised accounts of developments where there have been many disputes about their nature, and the interrelationships between the different elements."
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