18 Dec 2005


JRC-IPTS European Commission

About the FOR-LEARN Online Foresight Guide
"This online guide aims to be of use both to practitioners who are designing and running Foresight activities and other stakeholders interested in the results of a Foresight exercise.

It intends to provide:

Information about Foresight
Practical guidance and advice on how to carry out an exercise
Examples illustrating the information with experience from previous exercises"

Diffusion and dissemination of preliminary and final results of the foresight exercises

17 Dec 2005

"European Co-operation in Foresight" 27-28 October 2005, Brussels

CORDIS, Science and Technology Foresight

The 7th workshop on "European Co-operation in Foresight" took place on 27-28 October 2005 in Brussels.
See the agenda and the presentations a link

Overview of all ongoing Foresight Platform projects. W.Wobbe, DG RTD K2, EC. link

"The future of R&D in services: implications for EU research and innovation policy" I. Miles, PREST. link

"The future of research and innovation policies in an enlarged EU: key issues 2015" T. Suarez, SOCINTEC. link

31 Oct 2005

R&D in the Baltic countries: Futures

Assessment of the Estonian Research Development Technology and Innovation Funding System

Final Report by PREST
The Victoria University of Manchester

Maria Nedeva
Luke Georghiou

Word document format

26 Sept 2005

SCOPE 2015

"SCOPE 2015 is a European Commission funded initiative aimed at producing scenarios for research and technology development cooperation with Europe"
Main activities

From CIS Scenario 2
"Political and administrative reform agendas, where they exist, remain largely on paper with little implementation success. Consequently, the region is still marked by poor governance, characterised by high levels of political and bureaucratic corruption and clientelism, and disregard for the rule of law. Whilst such conditions persist, foreign investors stay away and the majority of the population remain in poverty. Little progress can be made in promoting national sustainable development as government and the rule of law serve only the self-interests of those in positions of power.

RTD is not viewed as a national priority for development but rather as a hangover from the past and of little relevance to today – it is an expense that can no longer be afforded. Governments show little interest in seriously pursuing innovation strategies, preferring instead to focus economic development measures upon maximising the returns from resource extraction, a cheap labour force, and deregulated business environments. National firms avoid any form of technology except that embodied in imported equipment, thereby providing little demand for the products of indigenous RTD activities. Foreign firms quickly exhaust the supply of those national scientific resources of use to industry, since these are not being renewed."
CIS Scenario 1 ; 3

RTD in : Latin America ; Maghreb and Mashreq ; Sub-Saharan Africa

FAQs on expected results from SCOPE project and the Feedback Zone

31 Aug 2005

foresight National Innovation Systems

Brainstorming Workshop "Shaping the European Dimension of Foresight", Brussels, 28/02-1/03/2005
Information and Presentations
CORDIS, Science and Technology Foresight

Session 2: Foresighting Systemic Changes
R. Barré pdf

S. Kangaspunta pdf
How throughly are we able to understand a system?
• What is the NIS? How does it work?
• What are the elements, linkages, connections, interdependencies, subsystems, limits...
• How does a system change?
• Do you need to know this for a foresight?
• Can foresight help to understand a system better?

How does a system change?
• The periphery alarms? (The center is passive until problems arise in the periphery)
• Through crisis? (Because ideological, economic, social & mental rigidities, unwillingness to change, fear of changing, need of security... block necessary organisational change caused by changes in the surrounding world before a crisis clears the table)
• Flexible adaptation?
• 'Mutations'?
• Can foresight be of help in this?
• Why some systems are better in renewing themselves? Does foresight play a role?

Citizen's role?
• How does the citizen fit in the systems?
• User connection to systems?
• Needs of a citizen - needs of the System?

A process for producing foresight knowledge

• Evaluation of systems also aims at producing knowledge for discussion, design and decision making concerning systems
• Evaluation of systemic risks
• Evaluation technology & other issues and their possible effects on systems


30 Aug 2005

Global Foresight Network

Welcome designers and developers of ideas and processes which integrate futures thinking with 21st century navigation based strategy

"Strategic Foresight - the power of standing in the future"
Mike McAllum, and co-authors Dominique Purcell & Nick Marsh

The goal of the book has been to bring strategic planning up to date with the pressing requirements of the Knowledge Age.

17 Aug 2005

Latvian innovation/RTD policy

From the RIS project to the Latvian Innovation system
Strategy and Action Plan 2005 - 2010 (pdf format)

Summary and outlook

"Innovation policy is not effective if it aims at
individual and isolated goals, even if those goals
are brilliant. On the contrary, innovation policy
must be comprehensive, setting in to support the
implementation of initiatives that develop both the
integration-competence of companies and the
delivery-competence of support organisations. A
national, comprehensive and publicly co-funded
programme aiming at increasing management
competence of companies is necessary. When
designing such a programme, a number of key
considerations apply."

"Collaboration and co-operation are the keys to
success. Public support to companies should
always incorporate a horizontal element of
collaboration and co-operation
. Collaboration
should be fostered between companies, between
companies and R&D-organisations and between
companies and other support-providing
organisations. Only by increasing interaction in the
Latvian innovation system will it be possible to fully
exploit the potential that is hidden in companies
and in the R&D system. Public policy should aim at
breaking this vicious circle. For example, an
opening-up of the R&D community to other sectors
of society is crucial for success. It may take ten
years, but eventually it must be accepted and even
encouraged that researchers work closely with
industry. The following is a list of policy-related
recommendations based upon the findings of RIS
1.- 12.



11 Jul 2005

Foresight at a crossroads

Michael Keenan, Fabiana Scapolo
EUR No: 21406 EN, Year: 2004 a link

List of Available Reports: EC, DG JRC - IPTS, ESTO network a link

"Foresight practice today stands at a crossroads. It can develop significantly further, diffusing into ever new areas and situations. Or it can retreat as a passing fad that has had its day for the time being, with a possible return in 2020. The determining factors on the direction that will be followed are manifold, and include the demonstrable usefulness of Foresight in policy and investment decision-making, and the development of a community of practice committed to Foresight as a process. At the time of writing, such a community of practice is beginning to emerge in Europe."

8 Jul 2005

Genesis, Euforia

This important e-publication (European Foundation, 2001) helps in understanding the genesis of the Euforia project and will be of great interest to those involved in the many aspects of Knowledge Society research and reflection.

Living conditions, working conditions
and industrial relations in the
knowledge society

Summary of workshops
Dublin, 13-14 July and 27-28 November 2000

for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

(an autonomous body of the European Union, created to assist the formulation of future policy on social and work-related matters)


"The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions organized two research workshops in 2000 related to the emerging knowledge society. The challenge of the workshops was to produce new ideas for the Foundation's Four Year Rolling Programme 2001-2004 by putting together three future oriented project areas. The first area covered the Foundation's own project on the New Forms of Work in the Information Society, especially development of atypical work, telework, flexitime, flexispace, flexi contract and virtual company. The second area covered the work done by the Commission related to the development of information society, especially the strategic challenge to make Europe "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world." The third innovative area consisted of national technology foresights projects from selected European, Asian and African countries.

This report is a summary of the workshop speeches, group works and discussions."


The Euforia project, web site
The Project poster (gif)

7 Jul 2005

Foresight in the Lisbon process

Rafael Popper, Werner B. Korte

Keywords: Foresight methods, Knowledge Society, Europe and the Lisbon objectives.


"The EUFORIA project was launched to explore the Knowledge Society and new ways of organising, designing and managing foresight activities. The combination of several 'hard' (performance indicators, critical influences analysis) and 'soft' (literature review, brainstorming, panels, workshops, Delphi and scenario building) techniques was carried out in a multi-cultural and cross-regional setting to achieve further insights and gain experiences with respect to the strengths and weaknesses of different individual and combined approaches for goal achievement as part of foresight activities."

Euforia, Knowledge Society Foresight Reports


The knowledge society in Greece: current situation and future trends
"Scenarios for the development of a KS in Greece
Based on the current situation and the major drivers and trends characterising the course of Greece to the Knowledge Society, three scenarios were developed:

- the “Awakening” scenario where social change and radical reconsideration occurs and the conditions are created for the trends to have positive impacts and for the negative impacts to be tackled,
- the “Lethargy” scenario with no major changes from today (business as usual), and
- the “Nightmare” scenario where the characterising trends lead to negative impacts due to ineffectiveness of measures, no real change and other external factors with severe consequences."


27 Jun 2005

Knowledge management systems

Rx for Learning - TUFTS UNIVERSITY CIO Magazine Feb. 1, 2001

Down from the Ivory Tower

"When the site made its debut in September 1997, students raved to their instructors about having around-the-clock access to course material on the Web. "The great thing was being able to look at the slides at home," says Bullitt, who lives 20 miles from the downtown Boston campus. Using the website as a personal knowledge management system, she organized her course materials into her own folders and made frequent electronic notes. "It's like having an annotated textbook that I could use anywhere, anytime," she says."

"Tufts' Health Sciences Database sets the standard for medical school knowledge management systems. Medical, veterinary and dental students use the website to study. Among its benefits, the system helps students master course material, keeps the curriculum up-to-date and increases organizational efficiency."


Knowledge Management Explorer Case Studies in Knowledge Management - articles, corporate web sites provide insights into the use of KM in industry. (THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT RESOURCE CENTER)


KM and High Performance KnowledgeBoard

26 Jun 2005

ForSociety ERA - Net project

ForSociety : Project Summary

Description of Work
"Foresight is being widely used all over Europe at national level to shape the future of research. The primary objective of the ForSociety ERA-Net is to improve the national programmes of the partners, enhance their European content and achieve a structuring effect on the ERA. These objectives will be delivered in a three-year period, through three sets of coordination activities organized in three work packages:

WP1: Systematic exchange of information and good practice between the participant's programmes in order to provide mutual learning opportunities, and to expand the ERA-Net activities beyond the partners.

WP2: Strategic activities in order to provide background analyses and studies on the programmes, and to prepare them for joint activities.

WP3: Development and implementation of joint activities in order to establish the foundations for a sustainable coordination between the programmes."

WP4: ERA-Net Management.

The COS together with the ERA Net Forsociety and the DG Research of the European Commission organized a conference "Present Needs Future Options” December 2-3 2004, The Hague

25 Jun 2005

in a Knowledge society


Citizens and Governance
in a knowledge based-society

Work Programme 2002 -2003

This Work Programme - the basic text for ensuring communication between the European Commission and the research community in relation to the implementation of the Sixth Framework Program - Priority 7 "Citizens and governance in the knowledge based society".

Research Area 1 Improving the generation, distribution and use of knowledge and its impact on economic and social development

Research Area 2: Options and choices for the development of a knowledge-based society

Research Area 3: The variety of paths towards a knowledge society
Citizenship, democracy and new forms of governance

Research Area 4: The implications of European integration and enlargement for governance and the citizen

Research Area 5: Articulation of areas of responsibility and new forms of governance

Research Area 6: Issues connected with the resolution of conflicts and restoration of peace and justice

Research Area 7: New forms of citizenship and cultural identities


Citizens and governance in a knowledge based-society
Homepage, CORDIS FP6


"Priority 7" - 1st call for Proposals – List of funded projects

Synopses of projects funded as a result of the First Call DRAFT
a link

Project Fact Sheet

Foresight and Society ERA-Net
Laying the Foundations for an ERA-Net on Foresight and Society

Biotechnology foresight


8 Jun 2005

How to teach: Knowledge and Knowledge Management

There are many things that you can do to encourage
knowledge workers to change the way they work and to
use KM systems, but by far the simplest and most obvious
is to involve them in the project from the very beginning.
Knowledge workers need to participate in the design and
development of such systems. They need to have ownership.
It only makes sense!

David Gurteen

Download Center, The Gurteen Knowledge Website
The Global Knowledge Review - May 2005
The Journal for Learning, Creativity, Innovation, KM and Personal Development.


Making Knowledge Work Conference Materials, May 2005

KnowledgeBoard The Global Knowledge Event: Gurteen and Bizmedia's two day conference: Making Knowledge Work, 17 - 18 May 2005


22 May 2005

Workshops in May

We see new trends. Web Office and Knowledge Academy (knowledge management, futures and foresight research domains) are on agenda.

Fostering strategic thinking and policy priorities setting (at European, national, regional, corporate levels), a field of inquiry on investments in intangibles should be considered of critical importance within a new, knowledge economy.

Rethinking the EU policy/Lisbon strategy objectives aiming to make Europe “the most competitive economy in the world”, two interacting issues are to be dealt with by individuals, organizations, governments: KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING (to fill gaps between knowledge building and sustainable knowledge transfer to users) and KNOWLEDGE VALUATION ( to explore transparent decision-making related to investments in intangibles).

"non-material factors that contribute to enterprise performance in the production of goods or the provision of services, or that are expected to generate future economic benefits to the entities or individuals that control their deployment"

(A working definition by the European HLEG on the Intangible Economy (2000)

European Observatory on Intangible Assets

Report of the European High Level Expert
Group on the Intangible Economy
By Clark Eustace

57. Defining intangibles.

"(...) the boundaries, constituents and definitions of the set vary
according to the perspectives of the different interest groups - for example whether we are dealing with accounting concepts, or measures of national income and wealth, or how to manage and extract value from key business investments and assets.

58. Some interest groups - notably the accounting standards bodies - necessarily limit their definition of intangibles to those factors over which legal rights have been assigned, such as patents, marks and copyrights. We took the view that control is more important than ownership and that any definition should encompass factors such as competencies, skills and know-how, networks and business relationships, as well as external factors arising from the legal, administrative and regulatory environment. The locus of interest has also been expanded through the use of scorecards36 for intellectual capital reporting by corporate innovators in this field, such as Skandia, Celemi and Ramboll. As a working definition, the HLEG took
intangibles to be:

"non-material factors that contribute to enterprise performance in the production of goods or the provision of services, or that are expected to generate future economic benefits to the entities or individuals that control their deployment "

Building intangible value from the outside in
Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood

Human Resources Australia's information resource on HR issues

25 Apr 2005

Political leadership role

Europe: futures

Links to Estonian sites

The Estonian Government’s European Union Policy for 2004-2006

Eesti ja Euroopa Liit :: EU Documents

Estonia in the EU

Estonia in NATO


VATICAN CITY, APR 24, 2005 (VIS) - Given below is the text of the homily - published in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German - delivered by the Pope during the Mass for the inauguration of his pontificate:

VIS-Press releases
the link

"Yes, the Church is alive - this is the wonderful experience of these days. During those sad days of the Pope's illness and death, it became wonderfully evident to us that the Church is alive. And the Church is young. She holds within herself the future of the world and therefore shows each of us the way towards the future."

"We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary."

19 Apr 2005

Lecture by Cardinal Ratzinger, 1999

Culture and Truth: Some Reflections on the Encyclical Letter, Fides et Ratio

St. Patrick's Seminary - Patrician - Lecture by Cardinal Ratzinger

"The search for truth by believers takes place in a movement in which listening to the Word that has been spoken meets continually with the search of reason. Through this process, on the one hand, faith becomes more profound and more pure, and, on the other hand, human thought is enriched because of the new horizons open to it.

It seems to me that one could develop a bit further this notion of circularity. Philosophy too should not enclose itself in total particularity or simply in the results of its own reflections. As philosophy must be attentive to empirical discoveries, which occur in the various branches of knowledge, so too it should consider, as a source of knowledge for its enrichment, the holy tradition of religions and, above all, the message of the Bible."

"Indeed, the reduction to experience traps the human person in the subjective. Revelation is more than experience, and only thus does it give us an experience of God and help us to bring our own experiences together, to order them rightly, and through positive and critical discernment, to understand and communicate them. I am convinced that, in our current philosophical and theological debate, precisely this section of the Encyclical must he given further thought and investigation; it could well become a valuable source of enrichment for cultural research in our time."

17 Apr 2005

knowledge on the Lisbon strategy


EPC / Accenture
a link

"An elitist project?

The Lisbon process has not attracted bottom-up support at a grass roots level, and the absence of the press and civil society engagement has resulted in a process that is seen as removed from the citizens for whom it claims to operate. While the project remains owned and managed from the top-down, the serious lack of information surrounding Lisbon will continue to limit the urgency and momentum of the process, and weaken the legitimacy of that ownership. Key stakeholders are not sufficiently involved in the Lisbon process, particularly at the early stages of policy formation, at a European, national and regional level. Learning from the example of the single market programme in terms of managing an effective information campaign would be beneficial. At present Lisbon is at serious risk of being regarded as an elitist project. This is in some respects symptomatic of the wider issue of democratic deficit within the Union and its institutions.

Although Europe is making progress towards the social, economic and environmental objectives set out by Lisbon, it is clear that this is not happening quickly enough. Performance levels vary significantly across Europe and, in some cases, the performance gap is increasing. As a result, the EU is currently not on target to deliver its objectives by 2010, leaving it increasingly vulnerable to the internal and external challenges outlined in previous chapters." (p.42)

3 Apr 2005

the Manifestation of the Spirit

God Man Nature
the Holy Spirit
Manifestation of the Holy Spirit
Jesus Christ
John Paul II Karol Wojtyla

1 Apr 2005

God and nature. Knowledge

Letter of Pope John Paul II; Our knowledge of God and nature: physics, philosophy and theology

To the Reverend George V. Coyne, S.J.
Director of the Vatican Observatory
From the Vatican, June 1, 1988


a link to
Resources for Catholic Educators

28 Mar 2005


I can say that understand and highly appreciate Bob’s thinking and knowledge processes.

"When two or more people collaborate to think about the same situation, we can refer to this as intellectual teamwork."
CROP - Communities Resolving Our Problems

The Web Office
Professor Robert S. Houghton
Director of Technology
College of Education and Allied Professions
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723, USA

"Relentless and accelerating change in our culture and communities requires equally relentless pursuit of ideas and systems that can address our problems and questions even faster than they emerge. The basic idea of the CROP web site is to discover (find and share), think about (reframe, refine) and solve these problems while learning and using the latest information technologies. The main branches at the top of the CROP web pages aid two audiences that seek to spell out and solve problems, individuals and communities. CROP's design also plans for an integration of school-based and work-based learning communities."

"CROP is a system for processing problems. In design, it is a general model for problem processing from K-12 into adulthood. It makes a clear distinction between problem processing and problem solving. Problem solving is just one sub-part of this larger problem process. The term community applies to a community of one (the community of interacting thoughts in one's own head) and to the communities of larger numbers of interacting people (within a classroom, work team, or state or nation, etc.)."

"The heart, the motor of CROP is questioning. This includes discovering, generating and sharing questions. Such skills are critical in order to move from surviving to thriving in this time of rapid change in the world. With CROP we have an ever-changing product. CROP serves as the foundation and set of solutions for organizations that wish to thrive and schools that wish to prepare learners for such organizations. CROP’s database products provide question management as a major aspect of Knowledge Management (KM)."
iThink Blog

In Latvia, on the shores of the Baltic Sea, I think on similar approach and opportunities looking into Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics/Network processes and outputs.
click the first post at EFN blog

25 Mar 2005

Knowledge for Framework and Actions

Defence Knowledge and Knowledge Management
I thank John P. Girard - articles, presentations, new models of KM - framework, enablers

search a link - Canadian Military Journal
summer 2004

16 Mar 2005

Foresight experience in the EU, 2004

a link
ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/foresight/docs/mta_finalreport.pdf to Final Report "Mid-Term Assessment of Foresight Activities", by Independent experts panel, to DG Research of the European Commission

from a new section - the Future of the EU Foresight (CORDIS. Science and Technology Foresight)

9 Mar 2005

Business and futures research


Z-punkt GmbH The Foresight Company is a think tank specialised in scientific futures studies - offers framework knowledge to institutions and businesses.

Founded by Klaus Burmeister in 1997.

The Foresight Company is working in an interdisciplinary team of about 15 people, and can draw upon network of experts.

a link, Excerpt of the book by Klaus Burmeister, Andreas Neef, and Bert Beyers
Corporate Foresight pdf

a link, Corporate Foresight: Practical Experience and Results from a German Survey http://www.download.z-punkt.de/cf-prague.pdf
Cornelia Daheim
is Project Manager (for International Research) at Z_punkt GmbH The Foresight Company in Essen, Germany. Z_punkt supports institutions and organizations in long-term strategic planning with futures studies services, and is also active as the German Node of the Millennium Project at the American Council for the United Nations University (http://www.stateofthefuture.org).

How Do We Make Sense of the Future?
Analysis of Futures Research Methodology

By: Mika Aaltonen (Finland Futures Research Centre)
Theodor Barth (SINTEF, Norway)

(From: AC/UNU Millennium Project Finland Node

"Perhaps the biggest challenge any human being or organisation faces, is how to make sense of their lives, and how to find meaning and direction for their activities. Sensemaking happens when sensible, meaningful explanations are built, evidence is extracted and linked to already existing structures, i.e. mental models, historical events, artefacts – or like in the case of this article – with a purposeful use of methods, especially constructed to do so. (March & Olsen 1976, Weick 1995, Porac & Thomas & Baden-Fuller 1989, Hopkinson 2001).

If we are unable to place a piece of information in context, the meaning of that information is lost. The ways we imagine the future, understand the past and come to grips with the present are extremely valuable in providing continuity and direction to our lives. Sensemaking is rooted in time and space, and occurs at the intersection of three horizons: past, present, and future."

8 Mar 2005


Foresight on Information Society Technologies in the European Research Area

Thematic Network FISTERA

a link to e-publication (report)
Review and Analysis of Selected National Foresight Exercises. 2003. (Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom)

3 Mar 2005

Outputs of a workshop in Tallinn


about Knowledge management and the Lisbon strategy


learning by doing
ask help
sharing knowledge - intangible and material values

a link to e-publication
Developing and implementing Knowledge Management in the Parliament of Finland.

27 Feb 2005


From the report: "The Finnish National Fund for Research and Development, Sitra, is a creative and flexible spearhead organization which strives to ensure that ordinary Finnish people will have even better lives in the future. Sitra has set itself the aim of placing Finland among the three most successful nations in the world by the year 2010. To this end, the following actions and areas of focus are emphasized in Sitra's strategy:"

7 publications, in English, at

26 Feb 2005

Our keys of success

I think, if we have understanding of what does it mean, and are gaining practice experience of

Systems thinking

also for the Lisbon strategy's identified objectives at all levels,
in the process of implementation,
Knowledge Management can be a powerful area.

Partnership for European Renewal

Presentation of the Commission's proposals for a 5 year strategy and 2005 legislative and work programme From Europaworld 11/2/2005

José Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission,
Helping Europe to Change

European Economic and Social Committee -
Presentation of the Commission’s proposals for a 5 year strategy and 2005 legislative and work programme. Brussels, 10 February 2005

the Lisbon strategy objectives
turning into action and results
forging a dynamic Partnership for European Renewal

Partnership must "reach beyond our Ministries and capitals to capture the imagination of Europe’s homes, schools and factories."

The Strategic Objectives distil Europe’s hopes into three key goals: prosperity, solidarity and security.

put knowledge and innovation at the centre of growth and job creation

22 Feb 2005

For Futures: the Social Sciences

Re-inventing the Social Sciences, OECD proceedings (OECD, 2004) PDF

The published report presents the views of high-level experts on the future of the social sciences based on 4 workshops (1999-2001), organized under auspices of OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy.

Eleven presentations. Include


Knowledge base for entrepreneurial foresight basics.

2 Feb 2005

The next generation of learning, knowledge and language ( L - 1.3.)


I have an insight into
A magazine of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future
January-February 2005 Vol. 39, No. 1

From the contents of current issue:
Beyond the Book: Electronic Textbooks Will Bring Worldwide Learning
By Parker Rossman

For All Worldwide, A Holistic View

a link

an important link

I find useful LOCAL WEBSITE ARCHIVE for offline reading and knowledge accumulation. http://www.aignes.com/wsarc/ Martin Aignesberger.


18 Jan 2005

17 Jan 2005

Virtual conspectus (Learning - 1.1.)

Our notes, based on the Web-enabled approach, can help to ‘virtualize’ and convert knowledge, to understand the World Future Society's activities and develop new capabilities.

What is the WFS ? How to join the Society?
The Future: An Owner's Manual

WFS Publications
An enormous amount of links - useful for value networks, evolving toward new horizons, motivating and shaping both ideas and activities.

e.g. from http://www.wfs.org/backclicks.htm

The latest physics and technology news
News by category
Nano and Quantum Physics
Space and Earth science
Electronic Devices
Striking research and developments
Books directory

The future of the Internet (survey) news 12.01.2005.

Seeing While Hearing Speeds Brain's Processing of Speech
receive latest news by e-mail for free

WFS Futures Research Quarterly
"Futures research encompasses both an evolving philosophy and a range of techniques (Mental and material - A.P). Its primary objective is to assist decision-makers to understand better the potential consequences of present and future decisions by developing images of alternative futures."

evolving philosophy and a range of techniques
developing images of alternative futures

14 Jan 2005

Learning a new WFS conference (Learning - 1)

From Latvia, we would like to take part in a Meeting of Year.
How to do it, to participate at WorldFuture 2005: Foresight, Innovation, and Strategy (July 29--31, 2005, Chicago, Illinois) ?

First, learning in virtual process.

I think, it’s possible to be at shared Ba.
To get insight into current issues and priorities, understand ideas, thinking, knowledge sharing and implementation; to be closer to mental universe of the world futurists.

Let’s be all together, and online in the community.

8 Jan 2005


Entrepreneurship - Latvia and Europe.

Blogspace in Latvian, about Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics/Network.
After a conversation in Latvian Academy of Sciences: "bit by bit"

2 Jan 2005

Blog and Personal Knowledge Management

1. A blog like a book (knowledge + knower) is a unique set of issues and expression of personal knowledge management (PKM).

It was vividly portrayed, Johnnie Moore's (30.12.2004) „I would say for myself that there's blogs and then there's what happens in the spaces between the blogs. The stuff that happens in the spaces - not the comments or the pings, but the thinking and sense of connection of ideas - doesn't show on the blog, but it's there.”

An individual creates and converts information and knowledge for his own as human being.

2. Blogs are great to think out loud and thus to trigger new conversations and relationships (Ton Zijlstra). We ask ourselves: what is in-between spaces, how to learn to understand man and ourselves in systems and on what kind of values a subject is founded ? Blogs could also be great to manage to think not loud, not loud enough to be heard by many.

3. The Entrepreneurial Foresight Network evolves around mental places enabling thinking and activities aiming the shared Meta context - Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics (EFB). See    also.

What about the role of ideas, questions, concepts, beliefs, also behavior and attitude what could be converted into new knowledge using a content of blogs, klogs, quotations (with reference to context and framework) from known authors ? Entrepreneurial Foresight Network assimilates messages of knowledge and presents them when we find new trends in KM issues to build strategic capabilities - EFB. Therefore, we can think quietly, also conversate quietly – to understand weblogs more and more as a comprehensive form of communication.

4. Useful quotes for KM workers, on KnowledgeBoard.

In 2005, perhaps KnowledgeBoard can be thought of as a ‘superblog’ at European and global level?