17 Jan 2005

Virtual conspectus (Learning - 1.1.)

Our notes, based on the Web-enabled approach, can help to ‘virtualize’ and convert knowledge, to understand the World Future Society's activities and develop new capabilities.

What is the WFS ? How to join the Society?
The Future: An Owner's Manual

WFS Publications
An enormous amount of links - useful for value networks, evolving toward new horizons, motivating and shaping both ideas and activities.

e.g. from http://www.wfs.org/backclicks.htm

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The future of the Internet (survey) news 12.01.2005.

Seeing While Hearing Speeds Brain's Processing of Speech
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WFS Futures Research Quarterly
"Futures research encompasses both an evolving philosophy and a range of techniques (Mental and material - A.P). Its primary objective is to assist decision-makers to understand better the potential consequences of present and future decisions by developing images of alternative futures."

evolving philosophy and a range of techniques
developing images of alternative futures

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