17 Aug 2005

Latvian innovation/RTD policy

From the RIS project to the Latvian Innovation system
Strategy and Action Plan 2005 - 2010 (pdf format)

Summary and outlook

"Innovation policy is not effective if it aims at
individual and isolated goals, even if those goals
are brilliant. On the contrary, innovation policy
must be comprehensive, setting in to support the
implementation of initiatives that develop both the
integration-competence of companies and the
delivery-competence of support organisations. A
national, comprehensive and publicly co-funded
programme aiming at increasing management
competence of companies is necessary. When
designing such a programme, a number of key
considerations apply."

"Collaboration and co-operation are the keys to
success. Public support to companies should
always incorporate a horizontal element of
collaboration and co-operation
. Collaboration
should be fostered between companies, between
companies and R&D-organisations and between
companies and other support-providing
organisations. Only by increasing interaction in the
Latvian innovation system will it be possible to fully
exploit the potential that is hidden in companies
and in the R&D system. Public policy should aim at
breaking this vicious circle. For example, an
opening-up of the R&D community to other sectors
of society is crucial for success. It may take ten
years, but eventually it must be accepted and even
encouraged that researchers work closely with
industry. The following is a list of policy-related
recommendations based upon the findings of RIS
1.- 12.



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