29 Sept 2004

Goodnip - Good Practices in Nordic Innovation Policies

The main objective of Good Practices in Nordic Innovation Policies has been to develop a survey and an analysis of Nordic innovation policy instruments that directly or indirectly are targeting small and medium sized enterprises.

"Innovation policies in the Nordic countries are all strongly influenced by the so-called systemic approach to innovation. According to this view technological advance and competence building is characterized by constant interplay and mutual learning between different types of knowledge and actors, including firms, institutes, universities, sources of financing, relevant public agencies and more. This view of technological change and competence development also forms the basis of the GoodNIP reports".

Report 1: Summary and policy recommendations contains a summary of the GoodNIP exercise, presentations of modern innovation theory and innovation policy developments in the Nordic countries, as well as various policy recommendations.

Report 2: Innovation policy trends and rationalities gives a thorough presentation a comparison of contemporary innovation policies and policy instruments in the Nordic countries, historically and contemporary.

A separate chapter discusses how policy development actually takes place in ministries and agencies, and introduces the concept of rationalities - i.e. common mental maps or frameworks of understanding that underpins policy development. This chapter also examine policy learning practices in the Nordic countries and gives some concrete advice on how to improve such learning processes.

Report 3: Innovation policy measures, documents and government structures
• Presentations of the innovation policy governance structures of the Nordic countries
• Summaries of relevant policy documents
• “Datasheets” presenting selected innovation policy measures
• An extended list of policy measures that goes beyond the ones included in the datasheet section

27 Sept 2004

Swedish Technology Foresight

Choosing Strategies for Sweden

A synthesis report from the Swedish Technology Foresight project, 2004

Inspiration for Innovation

Swedish Prosperity and Technology at the Crossroads, June 22, 2004, Brussels
The latest results from the recently completed Swedish Technology Foresight Programme were presented at this seminar. The new format of the second Swedish Technology Foresight Programme discussed.

A synthesis report, 2000
The Steering Committee of the Swedish Technology Foresight project:
"In our work with future-oriented issues, the process itself and the dedication of the participants have been at least as important as the written reports. These reports will now serve as valuable background material for all those who have
a responsibility and an interest in future-oriented issues in their daily work."

Presentation at "Our Future in the Making" Stockholm, November 25, 2002 By Göran Pagels-Fick, Chairman of the Foresight Methodology Group of the Swedish Technology Foresight Programme

26 Sept 2004

Foresight in Ukraine

Foresight - Science - British Council Ukraine

British Council is closely co-operating with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the University of Manchester, PREST to foster the following projects in Ukraine:

Technology Vision 2020 for Ukraine

Institutional capacity building for technology management and innovation in Ukraine

Investment Promotion Programme for Ukraine


13.09.2004 – 30.09.2004. Проведення циклу семінарів-тренінгів «Програми дистанційного навчання з курсу «Технологічне передбачення». Проектування курсу виконано спеціалістами УЦДО. Семінари проводяться в рамках проекту UNIDO і є безкоштовними для українських слухачів.
Технологічне передбачення

Краткое описание
Технологическое предвидение – самый сложный элемент в процессе развития технологии. Оно обеспечивает вклады в формулирование политики и стратегий, руководящие развитием инфраструктуры технологии. В Украине возрастает потребность в развитии дистанционной учебной программы технологического предвидения, как для студентов, так и для тех граждан Украины, которые подключены (должны подключиться) к выполнению Национальной программы технологического предвидения. Целью этого проекта является создание дистанционной учебной программы технологического предвидения, использования возможностей Украинского центра дистанционного образования для построения и укрепления возможностей для тех украинцев, которые работают или будут работать в сфере технологического предвидения.

Foresight in the World (2000)


Current Foresight Activities in the World
Multi-country Foresight Activities
Lessons for Foresight Newcomers
Foresight by Mode 2 approach
(Integration of Socio-economic Needs into Technology Foresight
Third Generation Foresight - Integrating the
Socio-economic Dimension)

The following common perceptions were seen lying beneath the sessions.

Developing countries, as well as advanced ones, recognize the necessity and usefulness of technology foresight.

The definition of technology foresight which the OECD defines as "the process involved in systematically attempting to look into the longer-term future of science and technology, the economy and society with the aim of identifying the areas of strategic technologies likely to yield the greatest economic and social benefits" is almost the same for countries concerned, although it varies slightly from country to country.

Currently, technology foresight is developing dynamically, encouraging many countries to work out an optimal combination of techniques. It is essential for countries carrying out foresight activities to exchange opinions and information with one another. In this sense, the conference was extremely significant.

In developing foresight activities, the OECD initiative, or the 1994 professional conference, played a critical role in bringing us to the second generation of foresight. Today, technology foresight is developing beyond the OECD area on a global scale. Many countries are integrating socioeconomic factors into foresight to utilize it as an effective policy tool."

16 Sept 2004

understanding Knowledge Management in the school

Barbara Friehs, Knowledge Management in Educational Settings
"The non-profit-sector – schools are part of it – has not been of major interest for knowledge management interventions so far."

I find the contribution to be of value and benefit to all parties - to rethink KM issues in schools of tomorrow starting today.

Investing efficiently in education and training: an imperative for Europe

...making the European Union the leading knowledge-based economy in the world would be possible only if education and training functioned as factors of economic growth, research and innovation, competitiveness, sustainable employment and social inclusion and active citizenship.

The Lisbon goals and the ensuing objectives agreed for education and training remain more valid then ever. They were set by Member States themselves for themselves. This Communication does not intend to provide indications of what should be done in any particular country, and issues raised in it are clearly more important in some countries than in others. The core responsibility to deliver on the agreed goals lies with the education and training authorities in the current and future Member States. It is clear that if regions and countries fail to invest more, and more efficiently in their people they see their economic and social performance - and those of Europe as a whole - fall behind.

COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION Investing efficiently in education and training: an imperative for Europe
Brussels, 10.01.2003 COM(2002) 779 final


15 Sept 2004

Knowledge Management Networking for Improving Public Administration

United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance, KM Networking Experience

"From “what a knowledge society is and why it is necessary”, towards “how to become a knowledge society?”, knowledge management is the foundation.

What should be included in the KM “to do” list:

- To develop a vision and a strategy for a knowledge - based organization is a must.

- The mindset needs to be changed from managing information in the traditional way to the modern way which leads to effective knowledge management systems, namely, IT supported systems.

- It is pivotal to develop incentives and personal development opportunities for information management in an organization.

- To manage knowledge via networking."

Discover www.unpan.org

12 Sept 2004

RAINIS - 75 septembri 1929 - 2004

Katra patiesība top uzņemta tikai ar jūtām. Patiesība ir jūtu lieta. Arī zinātniskā. Uz to dibinājas jaunu zinātnisku atziņu neatzīšana un cīņa pret viņām, kur taču vajdzētu domāt, ka zinātniekus, kuri darbojas tikai ar prātu, vajdzētu tūliņ pārliecināt arī jauniem prāta slēdzieniem. Bet prāts nevar būt pārliecināts arī par 2X2=4, kad jūtas viņam to nejauj. Cilvēku nevar pat par viņa paša labumu pārliecināt, kad neaizkustina viņa jūtas. Jūtas ir kūtras, bet valda. Tādēļ jārunā uz jūtām, tādēļ vajdzīga retorika un poēzija.


Visu savu zināšanu savest sistēmā padara zinātāju par vienpusīgu un par zinātnieku. To var vēl tehniķi zinātnēs, bet ne dzejnieki, arī ne dzejnieki zinātnēs. Un īstam lielam dzejniekam jābūt arī dzejniekam zinātnēs. Viņa aforistiskās zināšanas tādēļ vēl nebūs nevērtīgas un nesistemātiskas, jo dzīves nopilnotos laikmetos un visas dzīves kopumā citu acīs, t. i., pēc nāves, būs atrodama sistēma, tikai lielāka, dziļāka un plašāka nekā zinātnieku tehniskās sistēmas. Sistēmu vienotājs pats gars.


Zināšana neapspiež radīšanu, jo viņa dod vielu radīšanai, un viņa radītāju - spēku - jau pirms tam ved neskaitāmās jaunās situācijās, kuras viņu dzen visu aplūkot un novērst no vienmēr jaunām pusēm, un, galvenais, sevi salīdzinot ar novēroto, papildināties un augt.

11 Sept 2004

about Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics (Forward Studies project)

EFB, EFN for innovative learning
ppt format
Collection of papers and presentations of the international conference "Baltic Dynamics 2004 - Innovation and development of knowledge-based entrepreneurship" (September 9-12, 2004, Riga, Latvia) is available from CD (Latvian Tehnological Center).

See the presentation swf file

6 Sept 2004

Par zināšanu sabiedrībai veltīto konferenci Rīgā (14.-15.10.2004.)

2000.gadā pieņemtā Lisabonas stratēģija ir apņemšanās īstenot ekonomisko, sociālo un vides atjaunotni. Mēs gan Eiropā, gan Latvijā līdzdarbojamies procesā, lai veidotu Eiropas Savienību par dinamiskāko un konkurētspējīgāko ekonomiku pasaulē, kas dotu iespējas radīt jaunas un labākas darba vietus, un, attīstot sociālo un vides politiku, nodrošinātu sociālo sakļaušanos, līdzsvarotu un ilgtspējīgu attīstību. Tas ir Eiropas zināšanu sabiedrības attīstības process. Zināšanu sabiedrības jēdziens un koncepcija ir ieviesti, lai raksturotu galvenos, savstarpēji saistītos un atkarīgos strāvojumus, kas rit pasaulē un nosaka tās attīstību 21. gadsimtā. Mēs – Eiropā un Latvijā – radām savu nākotni, atrodoties šo izaicinošo strāvojumu un tendenču ietekmē.

Konferences mērķis ir aicināt valdības pārstāvjus, uzņēmējus, augstskolu akadēmisko personālu, jaunos zinātniekus, nevalstisko organizāciju pārstāvjus u.c. ieinteresētās puses kopīgi mācīties un radīt zināšanas par ceļiem un līdzekļiem, kā realizēt Lisabonas stratēģijas mērķus ikdienas darbībā. Uzņēmīgums un jaunrade (entrepreneurship) kā viens no Lisabonas procesa virzītājspēkiem būs īpašas uzmanības centrā konferences plenārsēdēs. Konferencē notiks arī interaktīvi darba semināri, lai veicinātu inovatīvas mācīšanās pieredzi dalībnieku zināšanu paaugstināšanai. Viņiem būs iespējas sniegt savu ieguldījumu Lisabonas stratēģijas attīstībā. Konferences ziņojumi un kopsavilkums par galvenajiem rezultātiem tiks publicēti un izplatīti sabiedrībā.

The Banking Institution of Higher Education (Latvia) cordially invites you to its 6th Annual International Conference: "Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia"