31 Dec 2008
29 Nov 2008
Knowledge policies for Europe
Investing in European Research
Expert Group for the follow-up of the research aspects of the revised Lisbon strategy (LEG)
- 5th report 'Lisbon Strategy: Between revolution and illusion' (synthesis report)
available at:
'The "Expert Group for the follow-up of the research aspects of the revised Lisbon strategy (LEG)" was created by the European Commission (DG RTD) in 2006 to give support in analysing and monitoring the research aspects of the revised Lisbon strategy.
The group focuses its work on the following activities:
- critical review of the research and innovation sections of Member States' National Reform Programmes and Progress Reports
- analysis of ongoing and emerging trends in R&D at MS and EU level
- identification of new challenges for the development of R&D policies with a particular focus on ERA
- analysis of the policy instruments used to coordinate R&D policies between Member States and between Member States and the Community
- provision of advice towards the development of an enhanced knowledge policy'
31 Oct 2008
What is WAY-IN of BLOG POSTS for us?
We are interested to share/market/trade our ideas and knowledge. Social media websites and tools are agreeable instruments to support our personal, business, community’s and other objectives (see: A framework for Social Media Marketing). Blogs & blogging way is between most accepted and easiest means to make it big. However, let’s imagine how often you/me/we seriously consider options of selecting successful, short ways of blogging to drive toward the intended goals?
Considering from both the writer and reader viewpoint, we can perceive a blog post as an issue created for and made available to other people. The blog post has the quality (or the interest) that makes us to notice both this post and author’s blog and want to read and think on its content.
Below is a short list (6 categories) of the qualities of blog posts that might be identified by an individual / team who read, interact, for instance, with Social Media Today (SMT) and other SM.
I would like to call the quality as a ‘way of the interest’ or way-in of a blog post.
An interested party can choose by its own preference and understanding how much and what qualities are to be selected to form a way-in list.
I have found ways-in of blog posts that also occupy my interest:
A description of an unfavourable situation
An expression of doubts about something
A marketing oriented explanation
A success story
A call to act for change
A positive idea worth pursuing further
For the given case, our task may be to identify the main (2-3) ways-in of a blog post during and after writing/reading it. My thoughts and reflections that found and marked main ways-in of SMT seven blog posts (articles) are illustrated in this table (pdf file)
Using this list, the identification of ways-in and marking those (with * in written) could be a value, like commenting and rating a blog post by knowledge production.
To work with way-in lists related to corporate/individual blogging on SMT and other sites may be inspiring and exciting, adding value exercises. One can also use the blog post comments and feedbacks together with reflections on ways-in for new approaches and evaluations. But don’t talk about all this now. Through way-in we may obtain a quite simple and, you may check, constructive (inter-mental & intra-mental) approach. Enjoy easy reading and rethinking on shared ways-in! That might be adaptable to many needs.
22 Oct 2008
A framework for Social Media Marketing
29 Sept 2008
31 Aug 2008
Kategorijas un modelis zināšanu vadīšanai
par mācīšanās un pasniegšanas efektīvu mijdarbību, strādājot tiešsaitē
Hsiu-Mei Huang, Shu-Sheng Liaw (2004), The Framework of Knowledge Creation for Online Learning Environments. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, Volume 30(1) Winter 2004
31 Jul 2008
Inovācijas un tehnoloģiju marketings
Vadīt zināšanas un vadīt vispār nozīmē ļoti smalki un prasmīgi strādāt ar cilvēka, sabiedrības un ekonomiskajām sistēmām, kuras ir tikai daļēji izprastas. Taču mums vajag tās vadīt un ietekmēt, lai veidotu to uzvedību un augstu darba izpildījumu - virzītu tās tuvāk noteikto mērķu sasniegšanai un nākotnes iecerēm.
Plašas vadīšanas spējas, kas būtu piemērotas mūsdienu izaicinājumiem, ir vajadzīgas visos līmeņos. Jaunas profesionālas spējas – spējas zināšanu vadīšanā kļūst par sastāvdaļu vadīšanas procesos uzņēmējdarbībā, valsts institūcijās, mācību iestādēs un citur.
Zināšanas un citi intelektuālā kapitāla resursi, nevis informācija, padara iespējamu augstu izpildījumu. Cilvēki un viņu darbības nosaka organizāciju un sabiedrības panākumus vai neveiksmes. Šajā kontekstā mūsu spējas darboties efektīvi (darīt pareizas lietas un darīt pareizas lietas pareizi) ietekmē galvenokārt mūsu personīgās zināšanas, izpratne, attieksme un ticība, citi mums pieejamie mentālie veidojumi organizāciju / uzņēmumu mērķorientēto darbību vietā un laikā.
Skat.: Karl Wiig. People-Focused Knowledge Management: How Effective Decision Making Leads to Corporate Success, Elsevier, Oxford/Burlington, MA, 2004
No kursa prezentācijas:
3 Jun 2008
use ipaper
30 May 2008
Lisbon strategy, Research, EU New Members
Jan Kozlowski, EC, DG JRC- Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
The paper was prepared in IPTS in the framework of ERAWATCH service.
a link (pdf)
30 Apr 2008
Valencia 2008: Technology Innovation International (TII)
and the annual TII conference in Spain
Participation in the conference, thoughts and impressions
A. Puga. Pursuing innovation: the foresight issues in Latvian universities (presentation)
Outline and framework of the presentation
I Foresight process (EU projects approach) as a kind of social technology
II LNELS project (2003-2008) – capabilities building for foresight activities at national and European level
III EU foresight technology transfer to Latvian S&T institutions and universities
31 Mar 2008
the ForeIntegra-RI project (EU 6FP)
I. Overview of EC Europe-wide initiatives and basic concepts
1. European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of ESFRI
2. Concept of European Knowledge-based Bioeconomy
3. European Technology Platform “Food for Life”
4. SCAR Committee activities: Infrastructures in the field of
agricultural research and Foresight on “EU Outlook Agriculture 2020”
5. The Capacities pillar of the EU 7th Framework Programme
II. Policy measures, approaches and challenges in RI by country
1. Typology of the existing Advisory bodies on RI policy
2. Recent approaches in RTD and RI policy development and financing
3. Examples of countries’ approaches towards RI upgrade
4. Challenges for RTD and RI policy in EU27
III. Foresight exercises in RI and Agri-Food
IV. Identified trends and drivers
V. References
ForeIntegra-RI project website
26 Feb 2008
New results, the EFMN
Global Foresight Outlook 2007: Mapping Foresight in Europe and the rest of the World (pdf file)
Rafael Popper
Michael Keenan
Ian Miles
Maurits Butter
Graciela Sainz de la Fuenta
Table 1.1: Mapped exercises per country
9 Jan 2008
Latvijas pieredze forsaita inovāciju strāvojumos
A.Puga. A Latvian experience addressing issues of the foresight innovation.
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 2007 - Vol. 3, No.4 pp. 369 - 387
Since 2003 Forward Studies Unit, Riga, Latvia leads a project "Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon Strategy".