10 Dec 2014

The Project on Forward Engagement



"Foresight is the disciplined analysis of alternative futures. It is not prediction, it is not
vision, and it is not intelligence; it is a distinct process of monitoring prospective
oncoming events, analyzing potential implications, simulating alternative courses of
action, asking unasked questions, and issuing timely warning to avert a risk or seize an
opportunity. As a disciplined process, organized foresight offers a means to simulate
actions that would otherwise have to be tested against reality, where the consequences of
error are irrevocable. A foresight-generating and horizon-scanning system can help
government detect trends and weak signals, visualize alternative futures, and foster better
outcomes." (p.7)

30 Nov 2014

FTA 2014 ( JRC, EC )

5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis, 
Brussels, 27-28 November 2014, link

29 Oct 2014

The foresight research , FP7

The EU research framework programme (2007–13), Socio-economic sciences and humanities,
the summaries of research projects in foresight 


24 Sept 2014

Social Innovation

Inventory of projects funded under the EU Research Framework Programmes (FP6 and FP7)


30 Aug 2014

New Do(o)r Riga 2014

Izraēlas un Latvijas izglītojošs projekts jauno sociālo uzņēmēju attīstīšanai


22 Jul 2014

The development of the discipline of Anticipation

The UNESCO chair in Anticipatory Systems deals with three clusters of research projects: “The Discipline of Anticipation”, "Projects", and “Field Applications”. 

A few topics characterizing the Discipline of Anticipation: Understanding and classifying anticipation, including biological, psychological and social types of anticipation; The theory of anticipatory systems; Complexity (from the point of view of anticipation); Futures Literacy; Reframing, or the structure of imagination; Anticipatory Capability Profile; Resilience Profile; Anticipatory methods, including the development of suitable protocols; Anticipation and values - Ethical aspects of anticipation; Philosophical aspects of the theory of anticipation.

"The main purpose of the UNESCO Chair in Anticipatory Systems is to centralize the study of anticipation and to define the Discipline of Anticipation as a cohesive body of knowledge."   see Project Anticipation

10 Mar 2014

Modelling for Global Systems Science

"Models in GSS are used as a map of the world, or a specific piece of it, and can be used to address complex problems faced by society and policy makers. More conventional methods, economics for example, also use models but these models tend to be more specifically focussed on one specific area and exclude much relevant information. This can lead to unintended consequences, and when a policy relies on such a model it may actually end up causing more harm then good. GSS seeks to avoid this by using models that are more comprehensive and look at more external factors that may influence a system. Essentially, this means that GSS is using a larger map that not only looks at the path ahead, but also which paths are dead ends or might get you lost." more

Source: Global System Dynamics and Policy. Best Practice Guidelines Towards a Science of Global Systems.
Collated and written by
Steven Bishop
Peter Baudains
Jason Greenlaw
Giles Foden
Julian Hunt
Jeff Johnson

Global System Dynamics and Policy (GSDP) project website: www.gsdp.eu