“The World in 2025. Rising Asia and socio-ecological transition”
European Commission. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2009 — 28 pp.
a link"Foresight and Forward looking activities have
a long tradition in the European Commission.
Today several Directorates-General have
available the competencies or studies that
allow them to better seize the challenges of
the future. The European Union Research 7th
Framework Programme integrates Foresight
and Forward looking activities within the thematic
field “Socio-economic Sciences and
Humanities” (SSH).
Good European governance is also based
upon Foresight and Forward looking exercises:
analysis of societal trends in the world
and in the Union, setting-up of reference and
alternative scenarios, identification of potential
breakthroughs (“wild cards”) are all elements
that allow decision-makers to highlight
their choices under a new perspective.
Reflexive or operational, qualitative or quantitative,
participative or based on the expert’s
opinions, Foresight and Forward looking activities
find their place in the European system.(...)
The advantages and disadvantages,
the benefits and costs of different
political, economic, social or technological
options as well as their economic, social and
environmental impacts can be estimated."
EC, DG for Research - SSH