ForeIntegra Desk Research and Draft Drivers Report - Contents:
I. Overview of EC Europe-wide initiatives and basic concepts
1. European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of ESFRI
2. Concept of European Knowledge-based Bioeconomy
3. European Technology Platform “Food for Life”
4. SCAR Committee activities: Infrastructures in the field of
agricultural research and Foresight on “EU Outlook Agriculture 2020”
5. The Capacities pillar of the EU 7th Framework Programme
II. Policy measures, approaches and challenges in RI by country
1. Typology of the existing Advisory bodies on RI policy
2. Recent approaches in RTD and RI policy development and financing
3. Examples of countries’ approaches towards RI upgrade
4. Challenges for RTD and RI policy in EU27
III. Foresight exercises in RI and Agri-Food
IV. Identified trends and drivers
V. References
ForeIntegra-RI project website