18 Dec 2007

foresight latviski lietojam - forsaits

Ir daudz paveikts forsaita izpētes un pielietošanas jomā Latvijā 2003.-2007.g. Speciālistu darbā ir pieņemts lietot latviešu vārdu forsaits, jo bez tā iztikt nav iespējams. Pastāv Eiropas forsaita telpa, tiek realizēti starptautiskie un nacionālie forsaita projekti, notiek forsaita zināšanu apguve Latvijas universitātēs.

Valodnieki, kas nav forsaita speciālisti, protams, var domāt pēc saviem ieskatiem. Sk. par LZA Terminoloģijas komisijas sēdi. http://termini.lza.lv/article.php?id=222

Vārdus un jēdzienus mēs izvēlamies savam darbam XXI gs. zināšanu sabiedrībā.
Pastāv inovācijas un jauninājumi, pastāv forsaits pasaulē un Latvijā.

30 Nov 2007

15 Sept 2007

Methods for foresight project/exercise

Let' s imagine what methods we need in order to execute a foresight project or exercise -
and firstly
  • to think about, debate, find, identify, invent, choose a theme/topic for the foresight (a client makes decision)

A foresight could be in / for a ministry, S&T council, government institution, department, sector of industry, business company, R&D, a field of knowledge, policies, learning and education objectives, etc.

A foresight project or exercise can be 'open foresight', including different kinds of stakeholders, consumers, customers, public and non-governmental sector, etc., looking for innovative solutions and addressing (possible, preferable) futures in inter- and transdisciplinary research and activities, knowledge work.

26 Aug 2007

ZOHO for knowledge work

Zoho sets out to challenge the software world by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- In mapping out the online office suite landscape, Zoho stood out as the most expansive and ambitious undertaking. Almost every week the company makes an announcement about a new application or feature. This week Zoho’s Web conferencing application, Meeting, was opened for public beta. Next week Zoho for iPhone, which nicely presents Zoho apps within [...]

19 Jul 2007

UNIDO Technology Foresight, EGM

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) organized a two-day expert group meeting (EGM) on Technology Foresight, 29-30 May 2007 in Vienna, Austria.





Documents, presentations, comments published: http://www.unido.org/doc/67536

16 Jul 2007

Futures for regions, the toolkit available

About the project, a link http://www.futurreg.net/project.html

"FUTURREG is designed to have significant long-term impacts for regional development policies, especially by ensuring that policies - and regional development organisations - are informed by high-quality futures tools and participatory processes, including Environmental Scanning, Trend Analysis, Scenarios, Visionary Management and Delphi.

The FUTURREG inter-regional value comes from bringing the knowledge and proven successes of the partners together - to produce a regional futures toolkit that can also be applied in other EU regions. The project will not construct a new set of tools but will bring together the approaches used successfully by the partners within their regions in one toolkit."


The toolkit for futures http://www.futurreg.net/toolkit.html

the EFMN correspondents day 2007

The European Foresight Monitoring Network (EFMN) http://www.efmn.info/

about the correspondents' day

28 Jun 2007

21 May 2007

Agricultural foresight in Latvia

Foresight project (2006) "Involvement in the EU Countries Network on Elaborating the Agricultural Research Strategy with Foresight Method"

"Līdzdalība Eiropas Savienības valstu tīklā par lauksaimniecības pētījumu stratēģijas izstrādi ar foresight metodi"

About the project
In Latvian

Foresight exercise (2006) "Foresight and Strategic Planning Skills in the Context of Agricultural Research"

"Forsaits un stratēģiskās plānošanas prasmes lauksaimniecības pētījumu kontekstā"
outline In Latvian
within the foresight project

2007, Ongoing foresight project "The Application of the Network of Foresight Specialists Supporting Agricultural Policy and Improvement of Database of Agricultural Scientific Research and Equipment"

"Forsaita speciālistu tīkla pielietojums lauku politikas atbalstam un lauksaimniecības zinātnes pētījumu un iekārtu datu bāzes pilnveidošana"

Sponsor: the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia
Executor: the Latvian Academy of Sciences

30 Apr 2007

Social Foresight and National Governments

A new book online:

No. 8

Maree Conway
Chris Stewart

Creating and Sustaining
Social Foresight in Australia:

A review of government foresight

31 Mar 2007

KM in Australia

The Australian Standard (AS 5037—2005) defines knowledge management as follows:

"A trans-disciplinary approach to improving organisational outcomes and learning, through maximising the use of knowledge. It involves the design, implementation and review of social and technological activities and processes to improve the creating, sharing, and applying or using of knowledge. Knowledge management is concerned with innovation and sharing behaviours, managing complexity and ambiguity through knowledge networks and connections, exploring smart processes, and deploying people-centric technologies."

Helen Hasan
Charmaine C Pfaff
The Wiki: a tool to support the activities of the knowledge worker

go to (pdf)


Knowledge Management and the National Training Framework
go to (pdf)

KM reference sites, Open Directory project

Open Directory Project

1423 Knowledge Management Reference sites
go to

28 Feb 2007

SCAR foresight research

FFRAF report:
foresighting food, rural and agri-futures link pdf

Foresight Expert Group

An expert group has been appointed to synthesise the existing analytical and foresight material in relation eight “major driving forces” for agriculture in Europe and has issued a foresight paper on each area:

* Climate change
* Environment
* Economy and trade
* Energy
* Societal changes
* Health
* Rural economy
* Science and Technology

From: EC Research, Agriculture, SCAR, Initiatives: foresight