30 Aug 2004

Shaping Your Future in the Knowledge Society

Club of Amsterdam - Summit for the Future: a European conference

"What is the Summit for the Future?

Visions & Strategies for 2020

Gain critical insights and a deeper understanding of the issues that will shape the Knowledge Society. The Summit for the Future 2005 is a European conference that brings together experts, thought leaders, policy makers and knowledge workers.

Together with top experts, this conference tackles key issues in five knowledge streams:

Trade / Service Industry
Media & Entertainment
Science & Technology"

29 Aug 2004

Zināšanu sabiedrība Latvijā Lisabonas stratēģijas pielietojumā

Inversed Brain Drain
2001. gada Baltijas reģiona sadarbības programma
Cilvēkresursi Līvānu un Līvānu apkārtnes teritoriju ekonomiskajai attīstībai balstīti universitāšu un pašvaldību sadarbībā

22 Aug 2004

within the intersection of Knowledge Society trends (discussing in Latvia)

1. "Tikai vajadzētu ņemt vērā, ka Lisabonas stratēģija tiek arvien vairāk kritizēta un arī Briseles kuluāros jau pavisam nopietni runā, ka tās mērķi ir jāatsauc, jo to sasniegšana ir acīmredzami nereāla."

2. "Kritika naak par labu ikvienai strateegijai!
Taa veicina taas realizaaciju!
Buutu labi pricizeet Briseles kuluaarus!
Ja iet runa par neatkariigo ekspertu grupaam un to kvalitaati, tad ar pilnu atbildiibu varu teikt, ka līdz to profesionaalai kvalitaatei un godapraatam
Jeekaba ielas kambariem un koridoriem vismaz liidz naakamaas Saeimas veeleesanaam nav ceriibu izaugt.

Liidzaas kuluarriem ir darba dokumenti, kuri raada instrumentus kaa strateegija tiek un tiks realizeeta!
Sie dokumenti ir EC neatkariigu ekspertu un darba grupu piepules integraalis!
Pievienoju dazus sai veestulee!(...)"

20 Aug 2004


Ian Miles Blogs
This blog contains links to blogs and other online resources established by Professor Ian Miles (the Manchester, UK one)

We must turn

An Efficient and Competitive EU - Speech by the Danish Foreign Minister, Dr. Per Stig Moller, at the conference 'Bigger and Better - how to make Enlargement a Shortcut to Growth in Europe' in Copenhagen, 21 April 2004"

we must turn our spoiled and therefore inflexible mare into a fast running race horse

18 Aug 2004

11 Aug 2004


"The International Center for Transdisciplinary Research is a non-profit organization, located in Paris and founded in 1987. The aim of our organization is to develop research in a new scientific and cultural approach - the transdisciplinarity - whose aim is to lay bare the nature and characteristics of the flow of information circulating between the various branches of knowledge."

Julie Thompson Klein : Notes Toward a Social Epistemology of Transdisciplinarity



Rethinking Interdisciplinarity : The Potential of Transdisciplinarity

Prof. Dr. Helga Nowotny is chair of the European Research Advisory Board and director of "Society in Science: the Branco Weiss Fellowship" based at ETH Zurich

to help acquire socially useful values

Gavriel Salomon : Educating for Values
"The truth is that we have quite a bit of expertise in the field of learning. But our expertise is limited to mainly scholarly learning, particularly the acquisition of facts, concepts, formulae and organized bodies of knowledge.

This kind of expertise we have is badly limited in three respects: (a) We know how information is acquired but know far less about how it is being transformed by the solo learner and by a team of learners into meaningful knowledge. Only recently have we come to realize that information is not knowledge and that the acquisition of the former is hardly a necessary and surely not a sufficient condition for the latter. (b) We know even less about ways of turning knowledge into usable, rather than inert knowledge. (c) Most importantly, though, is the fact that we know how intellectual stuff is learned, but we know far less about acquiring human values and learning to live by them."

"If we knew how to help youngsters acquire socially useful values such as mutual help, caring, shared responsibility, striving for greater equality, interdependence instead of self-serving independence, and their likes, we might see a more humane society, perhaps poorer in monetary possessions yet richer in social capital. Such a society might also show greater compassion for the rest of the world that feels left out, oppressed, and exploited. It is that part of the world that breeds enough hatred to send human missiles into towers occupied by unsuspecting, innocent human beings."

1 Aug 2004

Latvia Knowledge Economy Assessment 2002 - 2003 ( The World Bank )

The assessment evaluates opportunities and challenges of building an innovative knowledge economy in Latvia.

A knowledge and high technologies intensive competitive national economy depends on four pillars:

The education system producing knowledge intensive human capital;

The economic and institutional framework which promotes the application of knowledge in business activities and application of high technologies in the industrial development;

A national innovation system which unites private companies, universities and research centers in the creation of new products and services;

Information and communication technology society which ensures an efficient diffusion and transfer of information

"With the EU membership on the horizon, Latvia's competitiveness within a single EU market is gaining in importance. In 2002, the Government of Latvia asked the World Bank to make an assessment of the country's knowledge economy, with specific emphasis on higher education and science, business and innovation environment for high technology companies as well as possibilities of creating a commercially oriented innovation system. The assessment of Latvia's knowledge economy comprises three reports which have been prepared by the World Bank experts in cooperation with the Latvian institutions:
1. "Creating a 21st Century National Innovation System for a 21st Century for Latvian Economy" was produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy.

2. "Toward a Knowledge Economy: Upgrading the Investment Climate and Enhancing Technology Transfers" was produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and the Latvian Development Agency.

3. "Higher Education: Changing Conditions, Problems, Tasks and Policy Solutions" was produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science.

These studies focus on particular sectors of the economy, including higher education and science, R&D, as well as business and innovation environment. To study the current situation in Latvia and highlight the opportunities for building a knowledge-intensive and globally competitive economy, the assessment also focuses on the private and public inputs and investment in these areas. The assessment of Latvia's knowledge economy aims at providing the Government of Latvia with the World Bank recommendations regarding the policy implementation and promoting the creation of knowledge based and competitive economy in the context of the European Union. Basing on this assessment, the Ministry of Economy has developed an Action Plan for the National Innovation Program mapping out specific activities for the creation of an efficient innovation system."